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Speech synthesis: Difference between revisions

(Adds Clojure solution)
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[[Category:Scala Implementations]]
{{libheader|FreeTTS|1.2}}<lang scala>import javax.speech.Central
import javax.speech.synthesis.{ Synthesizer, SynthesizerModeDesc }
<lang scala>import java.util.Locale
import com.sun.speech.freetts._
import javax.speech.Central
import javax.speech.synthesis.{ Synthesizer, SynthesizerModeDesc }
object ScalaSpeaker extends App {
def speech(text: String) = {
if (!text.trim.isEmpty()) {
val VOICENAME = "kevin16"
System.setProperty("freetts.voices", "com.sun.speech.freetts.en.us.cmu_us_kal.KevinVoiceDirectory")
val synth = Central.createSynthesizer(new SynthesizerModeDesc(Locale.US)null)
val desc = synth.getEngineModeDesc() match {case g2: SynthesizerModeDesc => g2}
case g2: SynthesizerModeDesc => g2
synth.getSynthesizerProperties.setVoice(desc.getVoices().find(_.toString() == VOICENAME).get)
synth.speakspeakPlainText(text, null)
.setVoice(desc.getVoices().find(_.toString() == VOICENAME).get)
synth.speak(text, null)
Line 280 ⟶ 273:
speech( "If""Thinking itof ain't Dutch, It ain't much.")Holland
|I see broad rivers
|slowly chuntering
|through endless lowlands,
|rows of implausibly
|airy poplars
|standing like tall plumes
|against the horizon;
|and sunk in the unbounded
|vastness of space
|homesteads and boweries
|dotted across the land,
|copses, villages,
|couchant towers,
|churches and elm-trees,
|bound in one great unity.
|There the sky hangs low,
|and steadily the sun
|is smothered in a greyly
|iridescent smirr,
|and in every province
|the voice of water
|with its lapping disasters
|is feared and hearkened.""".stripMargin)
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