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Vector products: Difference between revisions

Updated D code
(Updated D code)
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<lang d>import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.conv, std.numeric;
struct V3 {
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pure nothrow double dot(in V3 rhs) const {
return x*rhs.x + y*rhs.y +dotProduct(v, z*rhs.zv);
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void main() {
const V3 a = {3,4,5}, b = V3(4,3,5), c = V3(-5},-12,-13);
writefln("a = %s, b = %s, c b = %s"{4, a3, b5}, c);
writeln("a . b c = "{-5, -12, a.dot(b))-13};
writeln("a x b = ", a.cross(b));
writeln("a .(b x c) = ", scalarTriple(a,b,c));
writeln("a x(b x c) = ", vectorTriple(a,b,c));
writeln("a . b = ", a.dot(b));
writeln("a x b = ", a.cross(b));
writeln("a . (b x c) = ", scalarTriple(a,b,c));
writeln("a x (b x c) = ", vectorTriple(a,b,c));
<pre>a = [3, 4, 5], b = [4, 3, 5], c = [-5, -12, -13]
a . b = [4, 3, = 495]
a x b c = [-5, 5-12, -713]
a .( b x c) = 649
a x( b x c) = [-2675, 2045, -37]</pre>
a . (b x c) = 6
a x (b x c) = [-267, 204, -3]</pre>
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