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Balanced brackets: Difference between revisions

m (tweak formatting of task)
Line 12:
<lang d>import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.string, std.random;
std.range, std.random, std.conv;
auto generate(int n) {
returnauto text(map!((i){r return= "[]"[uniform(0,2)]; })(iota.repeat(n))).dup;
return r;
void main() {
foreach (i; 0 .. 149) {
auto s = generate(i);
writefln("%-15s16s is%s balanced", '"' ~ s ~ '"',
s.balancedParens('[', ']') ? "OK" : " notbad");
One output:
<pre>"" is balanced OK
"["] is not balancedOK
"][" []] is not balancedOK
"[]]" [[][ is not balancedbad
"]][[][" [] is not balancedbad
"[[[][]][]" ] is not balancedOK
"[[]][[][]][" ] is not balancedOK
"[]]]][[[[[]" ]][ is not balancedbad
"[[[[][[]][][]]][]" is not balancedOK</pre>
"][]][][[]" is not balanced
"[]][[]][[]" is not balanced
"][[]]][]]][" is not balanced
"[[]][[[[]]]]" is balanced
"[[]][][]]]][[" is not balanced</pre>
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