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Balanced brackets: Difference between revisions

→‎Tcl: Added implementation
(→‎{{header|PureBasic}}: Marked incomplete as strings are not generated)
(→‎Tcl: Added implementation)
Line 70:
Debug Balanced("[[][]]") ; #true
Debug Balanced("[]][[]") ; #false</lang>
<lang tcl>proc balanced s {
set n 0
foreach c [split $s ""] {
# Everything unmatched is ignored, which is what we want
switch -exact -- $c {
"\[" {incr n}
"\]" {if {[incr n -1] < 0} {return false}}
expr {!$n}
Demonstration code:
<lang tcl>foreach s {"" "[]" "][" "[][]" "][][" "[[][]]" "[]][[]"} {
puts "$s\t-> [expr {[balanced $s] ? {OK} : {NOT OK}}]"
-> OK
[] -> OK
][ -> NOT OK
[][] -> OK
][][ -> NOT OK
[[][]] -> OK
[]][[] -> NOT OK
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