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<lang fortran>
Program CPUusage
implicit none
integer :: ios, i
integer :: oldidle, oldsum, sumtimes = 0
real :: percent = 0.
character(len = 4) lineID ! 'cpu '
integer, dimension(9) :: times = 0
write(*, *) 'CPU Usage'
write(*, *) 'Press Ctrl<C> to end'
do while (.true.)
open(unit = 7, file = '/proc/stat', status = 'old', action = 'read', iostat = ios)
if (ios /= 0) then
print *, 'Error opening /proc/stat'
read(unit = 7, fmt = *, iostat = ios) lineID, (times(i), i = 1, 9)
if (lineID /= 'cpu ') then
print *, 'Error reading /proc/stat'
end if
sumtimes = sum(times)
percent = (1. - real((times(4) - oldidle)) / real((sumtimes - oldsum))) * 100.
write(*, fmt = '(F6.2,A2)') percent, '%'
oldidle = times(4)
oldsum = sumtimes
call sleep(1)
end if
end do
end program CPUusage
<pre>CPU Usage
<lang fortran>
program Primes
implicit none
integer(int64), dimension(7) :: data = (/2099726827, 15780709, 1122725370, 15808973, 576460741, 12878611, 12757923/)
integer(int64), dimension(100) :: outprimes
integer(int64) :: largest_factor = 0, largest = 0, minim = 0, val = 0
integer(int16) :: count = 0, OMP_GET_THREAD_NUM
call omp_set_num_threads(4);
!$omp parallel do private(val,outprimes,count) shared(data,largest_factor,largest)
do val = 1, 7
outprimes = 0
call find_factors(data(val), outprimes, count)
minim = minval(outprimes(1:count))
if (minim > largest_factor) then
largest_factor = minim
largest = data(val)
end if
write(*, fmt = '(A7,i0,A2,i12,100i12)') 'Thread ', OMP_GET_THREAD_NUM(), ': ', data(val), outprimes(1:count)
end do
!$omp end parallel do
write(*, fmt = '(i0,A26,i0)') largest, ' have the Largest factor: ', largest_factor
subroutine find_factors(n, d, count)
integer(int64), intent(in) :: n
integer(int64), dimension(:), intent(out) :: d
integer(int16), intent(out) :: count
integer(int16) :: i
integer(int64) :: div, next, rest
i = 1
div = 2; next = 3; rest = n
do while (rest /= 1)
do while (mod(rest, div) == 0)
d(i) = div
i = i + 1
rest = rest / div
end do
div = next
next = next + 2
end do
count = i - 1
end subroutine find_factors
end program Primes
Thread 3: 12757923 3 3 283 5009
Thread 1: 1122725370 2 3 5 13 2878783
Thread 1: 15808973 29 347 1571
Thread 2: 576460741 19 30340039
Thread 2: 12878611 47 101 2713
Thread 0: 2099726827 11 190884257
Thread 0: 15780709 7 17 132611
12878611 have the Largest factor: 47</pre>
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