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Maze generation: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|REXX}}: added/changed whitespace and comments, simplified some statements.
m (→‎simpler version of above: changed the wording in the REXX section header.)
m (→‎{{header|REXX}}: added/changed whitespace and comments, simplified some statements.)
Line 4,513:
In order to preserve the aspect ratio (for most display terminals), several   '''changestr'''   invocations and
<br>some other instructions were added to increase the horizontal dimension (cell size).
<lang rexx>/*REXX program generates and displays a (rectangular) solvable maze (any size). */
height=0; @.=0 /*default for all cells visited. */
parse arg rows cols seed . /*allow user to specify the maze size. */
if rows='' | rows==',' then rows=19 /*No rows given? UseThen use the default.*/
if cols='' | cols==',' then cols=19 /*No " cols given " ? Use the default" " " " */
if seed\=='' then call random ,,seed /*use a random seed for repeatability. */
call buildRow '┌'copies('~┬',cols-1)'~┐' /*build theconstruct top edge of the maze. */
/*(below) [↓] build construct the maze's grid. */
do r=1 for rows; _=; __=; hp= '|'; hj='├'
do c=1 for cols; _= _||hp'1'; __=__||hj'~'; hj='┼'; hp='│'
end /*c*/
call buildRow _'│' /*buildconstruct the right edge of cells.*/
if r\==rows then call buildRow __'┤' /* " " " " " " maze. */
end /*r*/
call buildRow '└'copies('~┴',cols-1)'~┘' /*buildconstruct the bottom maze edge.*/
r!=random(1,rows)*2; c!=random(1,cols)*2; @.r!.c!=0 /*choose the 1st cell.*/
/* [↓] traipse through the maze. */
do forever; n=hood(r!,c!); if n==0 then if \fcellfCell() then leave
call ?; @._r._c=0 /*get the (next) maze direction to go. */
ro=r!; co=c!; r!=_r; c!=_c /*save original maze cell coordinates. */
?.zr=?.zr%2; ?.zc=?.zc%2 /*get the maze row and cell directions.*/
rw=ro+?.zr; cw=co+?.zc /*calculate the next row and colcolumn. */
@.rw.cw='·'. /*mark the maze cell as being visited. */
end /*forever*/
do r=1 for height; _= /*display the maze. */
do c=1 for cols*2 + 1; _=_ || @.r.c; end /*c*/
if \(r//2) then _=translate(_, '\', "·".) /*trans to backslash*/
@.r=_ /*save the row in @.*/
end /*r*/
do #=1 for height; _=@.# /*display maze to the terminal. */
call makeNice /*make some cell corners prettier*/
_=changestr(1,_,111) /*these four ────────────────────*/
_=changestr(01,_,000111) /*─────────these statementsfour are ────────────────────────────────*/
_=changestr('·'0,_,"000) ") /*──────── used───────── forstatements preservingare ──────────────*/
_=changestr('~' . ,_,"─── ") /*────────────────────────── theused aspectfor ratio.preserving ──*/
_=changestr('~',_,"───") /*────────────────── the aspect ratio. */
say translate(_, '─│', "═|\10") /*make it presentable for the screen. */
end /*#*/
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
/*──────────────────────────────────@ subroutine────────────────────────*/
@: parse arg _r,_c; return @._r._c /*a fast way to reference a maze cell. */
/*──────────────────────────────────? subroutine────────────────────────*/
?: do forever; ?.=0; ?=random(1,4); if ?==1 then ?.zc=-2 /*north*/
if ?==2 then ?.zr=+ 2 /* east*/
if ?==3 then ?.zc=+ 2 /*south*/
if ?==4 then ?.zr=-2 /* west*/
_r=r!+?.zr; _c=c!+?.zc; if @._r._c==1 then return
end /*forever*/
/*──────────────────────────────────BUILDROW subroutine─────────────────*/
buildRow: parse arg z; height=height+1; width=length(z)
do c=1 for width; @.height.c=substr(z,c,1); end; return
/*──────────────────────────────────FCELL subroutine────────────────────*/
fcellfCell: do r=1 for rows; r2rr=r+r
do c=1 for cols; c2cc=c+c
if hood(r2rr,c2cc)==1 then do; r!=r2rr; c!=c2cc; @.r!.c!=0; return 1; end
end /*c*/
end /*r*/ /* [↑] r! & c! are used by invoker.*/
return 0
/*──────────────────────────────────HOOD subroutine─────────────────────*/
hood: parse arg rh,ch; return @(rh+2,ch) + @(rh-2,ch) + @(rh,ch-2) + @(rh,ch+2)
/*──────────────────────────────────MAKENICE subroutine─────────────────*/
makeNice: width=length(_); old=#-1; new=#+1; old_=@.old; new_=@.new
if left(_,2) =='├·.' then _=translate(_, '|', "├")
if right(_,2)=='·.┤' then _=translate(_, '|', "┤")
/* [↓] handle the top grid row.*/
do k=1 for width while #==1; z=substr(_,k,1) /*maze top row.*/
if z\=='┬' then iterate
if substr(new_,k,1)=='\' then _=overlay('═',_,k)
end /*k*/
do k=1 for width while #==height; z=substr(_,k,1) /*maze bot row.*/
if z\=='┴' then iterate
if substr(old_,k,1)=='\' then _=overlay('═',_,k)
end /*k*/
/* [↓] handle the mid grid rows*/
do k=3 to width-2 by 2 while #//2; z=substr(_,k,1) /*maze mid rows*/
if z\=='┼' then iterate
when le=='·' . & ri=='·' . & up=='│' & dw=='│' then _=overlay('|',_,k)
when le=='~' & ri=='~' & up=='\' & dw=='\' then _=overlay('═',_,k)
when le=='~' & ri=='~' & up=='\' & dw=='│' then _=overlay('┬',_,k)
when le=='~' & ri=='~' & up=='│' & dw=='\' then _=overlay('┴',_,k)
when le=='~' & ri=='·' . & up=='\' & dw=='\' then _=overlay('═',_,k)
when le=='·' . & ri=='~' & up=='\' & dw=='\' then _=overlay('═',_,k)
when le=='·' . & ri=='·' . & up=='│' & dw=='\' then _=overlay('|',_,k)
when le=='·' . & ri=='·' . & up=='\' & dw=='│' then _=overlay('|',_,k)
when le=='·' . & ri=='~' & up=='\' & dw=='│' then _=overlay('┌',_,k)
when le=='·' . & ri=='~' & up=='│' & dw=='\' then _=overlay('└',_,k)
when le=='~' & ri=='·' . & up=='\' & dw=='│' then _=overlay('┐',_,k)
when le=='~' & ri=='·' . & up=='│' & dw=='\' then _=overlay('┘',_,k)
when le=='~' & ri=='·' . & up=='│' & dw=='│' then _=overlay('┤',_,k)
when le=='·' . & ri=='~' & up=='│' & dw=='│' then _=overlay('├',_,k)
otherwise nop
end /*select*/
end /*k*/
Some older REXXes don't have a &nbsp; '''changestr''' &nbsp; BIF, so one is included here &nbsp; ──► &nbsp; [[CHANGESTR.REX]].
Line 4,671 ⟶ 4,672:
The above REXX version had a quite of bit of code to "dress up" the maze presentation,
<br>so a slimmed down version was included here.
<lang rexx>/*REXX program generates and displays a (rectangular) solvable maze (any size). */
height=0; @.=0 /*default for all cells visited. */
parse arg rows cols seed . /*allow user to specify the maze size. */
if rows='' | rows==',' then rows=19 /*No rows given? UseThen use the default.*/
if cols='' | cols==',' then cols=19 /*No " cols given " ? Use the default" " " " */
if seed\=='' then call random ,,seed /*use a random seed for repeatability. */
call buildRow '┌'copies('─┬',cols-1)'─┐' /*build the top edge of the maze. */
/*(below) [↓] build construct the maze's grid. */
do r=1 for rows; _=; __=; hp= '|'; hj='├'
do c=1 for cols; _= _||hp'1'; __=__||hj'─'; hj='┼'; hp='│'
end /*c*/
call buildRow _'│' /*build the right edge of cells. */
if r\==rows then call buildRow __'┤' /* " " " " " maze. */
end /*r*/
call buildRow '└'copies('─┴',cols-1)'─┘' /*buildconstruct the bottom maze edge. */
r!=random(1,rows)*2; c!=random(1,cols)*2; @.r!.c!=0 /*choose the 1st cell.*/
/* [↓] traipse through the maze. */
do forever; n=hood(r!,c!); if n==0 then if \fcellfCell() then leave
call ?; @._r._c=0 /*get the (next) maze direction to go. */
ro=r!; co=c!; r!=_r; c!=_c /*save the original cell coordinates. */
?.zr=?.zr%2; ?.zc=?.zc%2 /*get the maze row and cell directions.*/
rw=ro+?.zr; cw=co+?.zc /*calculate the next maze row and col. */
@.rw.cw='·'. /*mark the maze cell as being visited. */
end /*forever*/
do r=1 for height; _= /*display the maze. */
do c=1 for cols*2 + 1; _=_ || @.r.c; end /*c*/
if \(r//2) then _=translate(_, '\', "·".) /*trans to backslash*/
_=changestr(1,_,111) /*these──────these four ────────────────────*/
_=changestr(0,_,000) /*──────────── statements are ────────────*/
_=changestr('·' . ,_," ") /*────────────────────── used for preserving ──*/
_=changestr('─',_,"───") /*────────────────────────────── the aspect ratio. */
say translate(_,'│',"|\10") /*make it presentable for the screen. */
end /*r*/
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
/*──────────────────────────────────@ subroutine────────────────────────*/
@: parse arg _r,_c; return @._r._c /*a fast way to reference a maze cell. */
/*──────────────────────────────────? subroutine────────────────────────*/
?: do forever; ?.=0; ?=random(1,4); if ?==1 then ?.zc=-2 /*north*/
if ?==2 then ?.zr=+ 2 /* east*/
if ?==3 then ?.zc=+ 2 /*south*/
if ?==4 then ?.zr=-2 /* west*/
_r=r!+?.zr; _c=c!+?.zc; if @._r._c==1 then return
end /*forever*/
/*──────────────────────────────────BUILDROW subroutine─────────────────*/
buildRow: parse arg z; height=height+1; width=length(z)
do c=1 for width; @.height.c=substr(z,c,1); end; return
/*──────────────────────────────────FCELL subroutine────────────────────*/
fcellfCell: do r=1 for rows; r2rr=r+r
do c=1 for cols; c2cc=c+c
if hood(r2rr,c2cc)==1 then do; r!=r2rr; c!=c2cc; @.r!.c!=0; return 1; end
end /*c*/
end /*r*/ /* [↑] r! & c! are used by invoker.*/
return 0
/*──────────────────────────────────HOOD subroutine─────────────────────*/
hood: parse arg rh,ch; return @(rh+2,ch) + @(rh-2,ch) + @(rh,ch-2) + @(rh,ch+2)</lang>
'''output''' &nbsp; when using the input: &nbsp; <tt> 10 &nbsp;10 </tt>
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