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Conditional structures: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎given/when: update link to documentation)
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In general a dispatch table or class/object abstraction (using dynamic method over-rides) is considered preferable to chains of ''if ... elif ... elif ...'' in Python programming.
<lang QB64>
Print "QB64/Qbasic conditional structures"
Dim k As String
Menu 1
View Print 13 To 23
Print "A menu example using the many options of IF statement"
k = " "
12: While k <> ""
k = UCase$(Input$(1))
If k = "O" GoTo O
If k = "F" Then 22
If k = "S" Then GoSub S: GoTo 12
If k = "C" Then GoSub 4: GoTo 12
If k = "E" Then GoSub 5: Exit While
Print "the same menu example with Select Case"
Sleep 2
While k <> ""
k = UCase$(Input$(1))
Select Case k
Case "O"
Print "You choose O"
Case "F"
Print "You choose F"
Case "S"
Print "You choose S"
Case "C"
Print "You choose C"
Case "E"
Print "You choose Exit"
_Delay 1
Exit While
Case Else
Print "Wrong choice"
End Select
View Print
Menu 2
View Print 13 To 23
Print "menu demonstration using ON value GOTO"
k = " "
While k <> ""
k = Input$(1)
On Val(k) GOSUB 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Print "Chosen O"
Print "Chosen F"
Print "Chosen S"
Print "Chosen C"
Print "Chosen E"
If k = "5" Then End
Print "You choose O"
GoTo 12
Print "You choose F"
GoTo 12
Print "You choose S"
Sub Menu (Kind As Integer)
Locate 7, 33: Color 3, 4
Print "Choose the item"
Color 7, 0
Locate , 33
If Kind = 1 Then Print "Open a file"; Else Print "1) Open a file";
Color 14, 1
Locate , 33
If Kind = 1 Then Print "O" Else Print "1"
Color 7, 0
Locate , 33
If Kind = 1 Then Print "Find a file"; Else Print "2) Find a file";
Color 14, 1
Locate , 33
If Kind = 1 Then Print "F" Else Print "2"
Color 7, 0
Locate , 33
If Kind = 1 Then Print "Scan a file"; Else Print "3) Scan a file";
Color 14, 1
Locate , 33
If Kind = 1 Then Print "S" Else Print "3"
Color 7, 0
Locate , 33
If Kind = 1 Then Print "Copy a file"; Else Print "4) Copy a file";
Color 14, 1
Locate , 33
If Kind = 1 Then Print "C" Else Print "4"
Color 7, 0
Locate , 33
If Kind = 1 Then Print "Exit from Menu"; Else Print "5) Exit from Menu";
Color 14, 1
Locate , 33
If Kind = 1 Then Print "E" Else Print "5"
Color 7, 0
End Sub
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