User talk:Gerard Schildberger: Difference between revisions

→‎Request for dialogue: Email response response.
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(→‎Request for dialogue: Email response response.)
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- Paddy3118.</lang>
===My email, and response===
Sorry Paddy; at the point where people start sending open letters, I figure it's time I finally take a look.
<lang email>On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 6:21 PM, Gerard Schildberger <> wrote:
Michael Mol:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Mol" <>
To: "Gerard Schildberger" <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2010 08:53
Subject: Rosetta Code, edits and communications
| Hey, it's me, Short Circuit.[1]
| I've been the recipient of some rumbles (not just from Paddy) about
| folks wanting to have a dialog with you in your user talk page[2]. I
| don't know your reasons for not communicating there, and I usually try
| to leave the community alone when it comes to on-site activity, but
| one of my responsibilities is to step in and try to resolve things
| before they becomes major issues in the community.
I had tried to use the talk page, but found that it didn't work, so I
just continued added programs to solve various tasks. It's not
intuitive why (to me, anyway) why there needs to be a talk page
when a simple E-mail would suffice.
Understood. Originally, I think, the "talk" pages were a simple hack by the original MediaWiki/Wikipedia devs to
provide a public discourse option. (They use the same formatting syntax and logic as any other page.) Primarily
they get used on pages in the 'Main' namespace, but I suspect it was deemed simpler to enable them across all
namespaces. I think they generally get used for "front-channel" (where email might be thought of as "back-
channel"), open communication.
Personally, I think the Talk namespaces' behavior is a hack, and I'd rather see an NNTP back-end, or at least a
decently-designed threaded forum. Unfortunately, the more I write and/or add, the more I have to maintain,
Rosetta Code isn't my bread and butter, and so I work with what I can.
After all, E-mail gets to me
directly, and I don't get on the Rosetta Code site that often. Also,
some people don't interact well in forums,
Understood. Truth by told, I have two primary ways I keep up with the site. The first is email (the site emails
me whenever a page on my "Watchlist" is edited. The second is the RSS feed found on the "recent changes" page.
... if you're a student of newsgroups, then you know of what I speak. Not all discourse
is benificial.
Believe me, I understand. I haven't been on newsgroups myself in a while, but some email lists have their problems, too.
As the founder and owner of the site, I have three primary roles. The first is to make sure the site stays online
and functioning. (Pay for the hardware, maintain the software). The second is to watch the forum behavior on the
site, identify trouble spots, and attempt to interpret, moderate and intervene before things flare up and I wind
up with a community schism on my hands. The third is to keep the site fluid and beneficial to a large cross-
section of users and audience.
| To that end, I'd like to offer some advice.
| First, you should check your user account preferences[3], and supply
| the server software with your email address. It will happily email you
| whenever someone wants to talk to you through the wiki software.
| Second, you should probably reply to messages left in your talk page.
| I don't know if you've seen them or not (it doesn't seem you provided
| the server software with your email address, so it's plausible you
| haven't), but people have left notes in good nature offering ways for
| you to interact more cleanly with the site structure and software.
Yes, if fact, that is exactly what happened. I didn't know that I had
to provide an E-mail address to RC. I have since done that. I didn't
even know that I had stuff there to read, yet another place to check
to see if there are messages.
Completely understood. As far as system configuration, I could require an email address to proceed with sign-up,
but many folks have privacy concerns about giving their email address out, and wouldn't supply it anyway. It
happens, and we figure things out as we need to.
Since I'm writing to you in the same good faith as you are, I would
like to converse (somehow) about the general nature of quite a few
of the tasks.
By all means! I appreciate the interaction. Before I continue reading, however, I'll note that every time I've
tried to place restriction on the tasks, I discover people find exceptions and ways that make the tasks I've
written problematic in some fashion. Also, I'm trying to take an explanatory and speculative position, not an
apologist one; we've got all kinds of room for improvement, and I'm always looking for ways to get the site and
community functioning more comfortably and smoothly. (See my third role I noted above.)
Almost all of them assume an ASCII environment (which shouldn't
automatically be assumed), and many many of the tasks are very
loosely written and can be interpreted in too many (wrong) ways.
Understood. It's very difficult to write a task description that speaks to the intent of what the task writer
wants to expose and explore in the code examples. For tasks I've written, I've found that most hit one of three
failure cases:
1) Solutions solve the exact letter of the task without hitting the concept I wanted to explore.
2) Solutions aren't written because the letter of the task makes incorrect assumptions unnecessary to the concept
I wanted to explore.
3) Solutions aren't written because the task is too vague, and people don't know what to do.
The sequence I've observed to work the best, as far as creation of successful tasks:
1) Someone creates a task, and uses {{draft task}} instead of {{task}}, to invite people to critique it and add
some trial solutions.
2) As people add trial solutions, they'll hit on bugs in the spec
3) The 'talk' page for the task, and folks get together (usually) in good faith to figure out the best way to
describe the task to meet the original writer's desires.
4) The task is refined, and we jump back to step 2.
5) Eventually people don't see a need to refine the task farther, and the task gets switched from {{draft task}}
to {{task}}. If I have time, I'll throw a note out to RC's Twitter and Facebook pages announcing the new task.
Sometimes step 1 is skipped, and the author uses {{task}} instead of {{draft task}}. When that happens, steps 2
and onward still occur; it just gets a little rougher.
Because of this, lots of examples are wrong (but I surely don't want
to throw a monkey wrench in the works, and slight someone's code, just
because the problem (task) wasn't stated clearly or even, correctly.
Understood completely. Not all of the tasks are well-written. Not all of the examples are well-written.
We have some templates (we call them ENA templates, short for 'examples needing attention') that allow people to
mark code examples as erroneous or faulty in some fashion. When those templates are used correctly, they
examples in question get listed on that language's "Unimplemented in X" page under "examples needing attention".
The templates we have aren't necessarily ideal in their coverage and description. That's another work-in-
progress, of course.
While writing this email, though, I had an idea for a flag which could be used to handle potentially incorrect
code without necessarily carrying a connotation that could be insulting to the original code's author. I'll have
to give that some more thought.
A petty case in point, The Amb task. The wording suggests the Amb
operator takes some number of expressions, and the task is to give
an example. Quite a few programs assume exactly (only) four sets
of words, while the intent (I believe) is to code a general Amb operator
that works on SOME (should say ANY) number of expressions.
A small but profound difference in the wording.
The task also assumes that there is only one answer, while in fact,
the general case may have no or many answers. The task stated to
find THE answer, and didn't say anything about the posibility of showing
other answers (if there were any). ... And so it goes. It didn't mention
if "the" would match up to "Einstein" for example (caseless compariosns),
or what to do about punctuation (the obvious thing to do would be to ignore
'em). Yes, yes, I know, there weren't any of those pesky critters...
I'd encourage you to bring this up on the talk page. It's possible we can deprecate the task and offer a better
one. Or correct the existing one. When that task was created, I tried (and failed) to understand what Amb was
about. I'm not that high in math...I've only got an associate's degree, and only got as far as Calc 2. I suspect
most of what I know about math (beyond Calc 2, anyway), I've absorbed from watching Rosetta Code's community
provide readable implementations of Wikipedia pages.
There are so many of these types of loosy-goosy type of definitions/rules that
caused quite a few examples to not fulfill the requirements, at least, not the
intent, and since I haven't got a dog in the fight, I feel better if I wouldn't
throw stones (as least, not in a public forum). Hardly anything comes of
those fights/discussions, as some people have quite a bit of emotion
vested in the status quo or already-posted solutions.
And that's two parts of what I try to be there for. One, to see problems with the status quo and work toward
fixing them. RC doesn't do anyone any good if it gets stale and crusty, internally or out. Two, to try to keep
the Rosetta Code wiki community genial and inclusive--we're very domain-focused, Rosetta code is a sort of tower
of Babel, and there aren't very many people with the skill and interest needed to put the kinds of content on
the site that it can potentially absorb. It can't afford to be hostile, as a community. Community management is,
again, one of my two fundamental roles on the site.
I have plenty of
other bliss projects that I'm working on at the moment. Bliss projects are
those that give joy ...
Understood. Rosetta Code is something of a bliss project for me; I get a warm fuzzy every time I find that it
contributed some way to the improvement of a language, and every time I find people enjoy using it to improve
their own skills and understanding. It makes me feel like I'm contributing to the field somehow.
Since this is Christmas time, I would just wish for some simple, clear, and
consise difinitions (rules) of the tasks.
We do what we can. Perhaps some point soon we can come up with some good guidelines for how to build tasks, and
can go back and verify tasks against those guidelines.
That, and world peace. .... and
enough money to pay for the heat ... but I digress.
I got lucky on that last; dress warm and keep the computers running. :)
As the old saw goes, be careful of what you ask. Anywhoooose....
If I included a "fix this example" thingy in every case like that, well, it
would be pitchforks and torches time --- and I don't want my castle
burned down..
I've worked in programming for quite a few decades,
and the number of times I've seen a correctly stated requirement (task)
can be counted on one hand. Oooooooh, if you had a few more
hours of reading time...
You might find a GraphJam I created yesterday to be amusing:
I wish a lot of the tasks wouldn't be so ego-centric. That is a problem
that should be address, in my humble opinion. Well, maybe next
Christmas then ...
| Thanks for all your contributions on the site!Yuppers, I'll continue for a few more examples, unless it
becomes a royal pain in the neck-hole to continue. So far, the stuff that I've coded is mostly Micky Mouse
stuff. I'm doing the simple ones that I can bang out in a few minutes. I spend quite a bit of time
re-working the example to properly present the data (to wit, reading the dataonce, finding the "widest" value,
and then making the output in a neat columnar format for instance. Another is adding commas for the human
bean's eyeballs.
The language that I'm using is REXX, and it doesn't have any of the common trigonometric, geometric,
statistical, and other higher math functions at all, so I have to write them. That's not a problem, but
when I want to show a simple solution to something, I have to drag all that other baggage along, and that
makes some examples a bit ... well, verbose, and hides (if not completely overshadowing) the intent behind
the example. "C" kinda has the same problem, but it hides it with the INCLUDE statement, so people
don't see the baggage, but it's there, of course. One problem with REXX (as it's an interpreted
language), everything is out in the open and you can't hide the dirty linen and soiled clothes.
Later, 'gator.
Gerard Schildberger
Do you mind if I post this email on the wiki in your Talk namespace? It'd be handy for clarifying things (I think
a few people are annoyed with you), and (on reading it) it should help set a calming tone. It's also the first
chance I've had in a while for distilling into words my presence on the site. ;)
(I got permission to post the reply.) --[[User:Short Circuit|Michael Mol]] 04:11, 8 December 2010 (UTC)