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Permutations: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|Euphoria}}: Euphoria example added
(→‎{{header|Euphoria}}: Euphoria example added)
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<lang euphoria>function reverse(sequence s, integer first, integer last)
object x
while first < last do
x = s[first]
s[first] = s[last]
s[last] = x
first += 1
last -= 1
end while
return s
end function
function nextPermutation(sequence s)
integer pos, last
object x
if length(s) < 1 then
return 0
end if
pos = length(s)-1
while compare(s[pos], s[pos+1]) >= 0 do
pos -= 1
if pos < 1 then
return -1
end if
end while
last = length(s)
while compare(s[last], s[pos]) <= 0 do
last -= 1
end while
x = s[pos]
s[pos] = s[last]
s[last] = x
return reverse(s, pos+1, length(s))
end function
object s
s = "abcd"
puts(1, s & '\t')
while 1 do
s = nextPermutation(s)
if atom(s) then
end if
puts(1, s & '\t')
end while</lang>
<pre>abcd abdc acbd acdb adbc adcb bacd badc bcad bcda
bdac bdca cabd cadb cbad cbda cdab cdba dabc dacb
dbac dbca dcab dcba</pre>
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