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Constrained random points on a circle: Difference between revisions

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<lang COBOL>
identification division.
program-id. circle.
environment division.
input-output section.
select plot-file assign "circle.txt".
data division.
file section.
fd plot-file report plot.
working-storage section.
1 binary.
2 rand pic 9(18).
2 x pic s9(4).
2 y pic s9(4).
2 i pic 9(4).
2 dot-count pic 9(4) value 0.
2 dot-count-save pic 9(4) value 0.
2 temp-points.
3 pic s9(4) occurs 2.
2 xy-table.
3 point-pair occurs 0 to 404 depending dot-count.
4 x-point pic s9(4).
4 y-point pic s9(4).
1 plot-table value all "0".
2 occurs 31.
3 dot pic 9 occurs 31.
1 cur-date-time.
2 yyyymmdd pic 9(8).
2 hh pic 9(2).
2 mm pic 9(2).
2 ss pic 9(2).
1 plot-work.
2 plot-item pic xb occurs 31.
report section.
rd plot.
1 plot-line type de.
2 line plus 1.
3 column is 1 source is plot-work pic x(62).
procedure division.
perform compute-rand
perform find-all-valid-points
perform shuffle-point-pairs
perform select-100-dots
perform print-dots
stop run
perform varying x from -15 by 1 until x > +15
perform varying y from -15 by 1 until y > +15
if (function sqrt (x ** 2 + y ** 2))
>= 10 and <= 15
move 1 to dot (x + 16 y + 16)
add 1 to dot-count
compute x-point (dot-count) = x + 16
compute y-point (dot-count) = y + 16
display "Total points: " dot-count
move dot-count to dot-count-save
compute i = function random (rand) * dot-count + 1
perform varying dot-count from dot-count by -1
until dot-count < 2
move point-pair (i) to temp-points
move point-pair (dot-count) to point-pair (i)
move temp-points to point-pair (dot-count)
compute i = function random * dot-count + 1
move dot-count-save to dot-count
perform varying i from 1 by 1
until i > 100
compute x = x-point (i)
compute y = y-point (i)
move 2 to dot (x y)
open output plot-file
initiate plot
perform varying y from 1 by 1 until y > 31
move spaces to plot-work
perform varying x from 1 by 1 until x > 31
if dot (x y) = 2
move "o" to plot-item (x)
generate plot-line
terminate plot
close plot-file
unstring function current-date into
yyyymmdd hh mm ss
compute rand =
(function integer-of-date (yyyymmdd) * 86400)
compute rand = rand
+ (hh * 3600) + (mm * 60) + ss
compute rand = function mod (rand 32768)
end program circle.
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