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Discordian date: Difference between revisions

Added for PHP - Hail Eris!
(Added for PHP - Hail Eris!)
Line 885:
2012-02-29 is St. Tib's Day, in the YOLD 3178
2012-03-01 is Setting Orange, the 60th day of Chaos in the YOLD 3178
<lang PHP><?php
// Discordian dating machine. Accepts date from PHP function date() or from the URL.
// The Discordian calendar has 5 days in a week, 73 days in a month and 5 months in a year.
// Ex. ddate.php will generate todays date according to your computer
// Ex. ddate.php?y=2012&m=2&y=29 will generate the date for Feb. 29, 2012
$DAYS = array("Sweetmorn","Boomtime","Pungenday","Prickle-Prickle","Setting Orange");
$MONTHS = array("Chaos","Discord","Confusion","Bureaucracy","The Aftermath");
// If user passed year, month and day variables in URL
if(isset($_GET['y']) && isset($_GET['m']) && isset($_GET['d'])) {
// Get year, month and day from URL
$usery = $_GET['y']; $userm = $_GET['m']; $userd = $_GET['d'];
// Use unix time to calculate day of year starting at zero
$userdate = mktime(0,0,0,$userm,$userd,$usery);
$ddays = ($userdate - mktime(0,0,0,1,1,$usery)) / 86400;
// Calculates the Discordian year, month and day
$dyear = ($usery) + 1166; $dmonth = $MONTHS[$dday/73]; $dday = $ddays%73 + 1;
// If user didn't pass year, get date from PHP function
else {
// Create array containing current Gregorian year, month, day,
// days of year starting at zero and whether or not year is a leap
$date = explode(" ",date('Y n j z L'));
// Calculates the Discordian year, month and day
$dyear = $date[0]+1166; $dmonth = $MONTHS[$date[3]/73]; $dday = $date[3]%73 +1;
// Determine the name of the day
if ($ddays === NULL) { $ddayname= $DAYS[$date[3]%5]; }
else { $ddayname= $DAYS[$ddays%5]; }
// Leap year exception for date from PHP
if ($ddays === NULL) {
if ($date[4]) {
if ($date[1] == 2 && $date[2] == 29) { echo "Today is St. Tib's Day, YOLD " . $dyear; }
if ($date[3] >= 60) { //offset day by one if leap year
$dday -= 1;
if($dday % 5 == 0) $ddayname = $DAYS[4];
else $ddayname = $DAYS[($dday%5)];
// Display Discordian date
echo "Today is " . $ddayname . ", " . $dmonth . " " . $dday . ", YOLD " . $dyear;
else { // Leap year exception for date from URL
if ($usery % 100 == 0) { // leap year exception for years that are divisible by one hundred
if ($usery % 400 == 0 && $userm == 2 && $userd == 29) { echo "Today is St. Tib's Day, YOLD " . $dyear; }
else if ($usery % 4 == 0) { // if the year is a leap year
if ($userm == 2 && $userd == 29) { echo "Today is St. Tib's Day, YOLD " . $dyear; }
elseif ($ddays >= 60) { // offset day by one if leap year
$dday -=1;
if($dday % 5 == 0) $ddayname = $DAYS[4];
else $ddayname=$DAYS[($dday%5-1)];
echo "Today is " . $ddayname . ", " . $dmonth . " " . $dday . ", YOLD " . $dyear;
else { echo "Today is " . $ddayname . ", " . $dmonth . " " . $dday . ", YOLD " . $dyear; }
// Display Discordian date
else { echo "Today is " . $ddayname . ", " . $dmonth . " " . $dday . ", YOLD " . $dyear; }
Output:<pre>ddate.php #23 November 2011
Today is Boomtime, The Aftermath 35, YOLD 3177
Today is Prickle-Prickle, Chaos 59, YOLD 3178
Today is St. Tib's Day, YOLD 3178
Today is Setting Orange, Chaos 60, YOLD 3178
Anonymous user
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