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Forest fire: Difference between revisions

1,811 bytes added ,  3 years ago
Added Wren
m (→‎{{header|Phix}}: IupCloseOnEscape no longer needed)
(Added Wren)
Line 7,950:
<lang ecmascript>import "random" for Random
import "io" for Stdin
var rand = Random.new()
var rows = 20
var cols = 30
var p = 0.01
var f = 0.001
var rx = rows + 2
var cx = cols + 2
var step = Fn.new { |dst, src|
for (r in 1..rows) {
for (c in 1..cols) {
var x = r*cx + c
dst[x] = src[x]
if (dst[x] == "#") {
// rule 1. A burning cell turns into an empty cell
dst[x] = " "
} else if(dst[x] == "T") {
// rule 2. A tree will burn if at least one neighbor is burning
if (src[x-cx-1] == "#" || src[x-cx] == "#" || src[x-cx+1] == "#" ||
src[x-1] == "#" || src[x+1] == "#" ||
src[x+cx-1] == "#" || src[x+cx] == "#" || src[x+cx+1] == "#") {
dst[x] = "#"
// rule 3. A tree ignites with probability f
// even if no neighbor is burning
} else if (rand.float() < f) {
dst[x] = "#"
} else {
// rule 4. An empty space fills with a tree with probability p
if (rand.float() < p) dst[x] = "T"
var print = Fn.new { |model|
System.print("__" * cols)
for (r in 1..rows) {
for (c in 1..cols) System.write(" %(model[r*cx+c])")
var odd = List.filled(rx*cx, " ")
var even = List.filled(rx*cx, " ")
for (r in 1 ..rows) {
for (c in 1..cols) {
if (rand.int(2) == 1) odd[r*cx+c] = "T"
while (true) {
step.call(even, odd)
step.call(odd, even)


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