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Forest fire: Difference between revisions

Add 8086 assembly
(Add 8086 assembly)
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=={{header|8086 Assembly}}==
This program expects to run on an IBM PC with a CGA-compatible video card.
It uses a field size of 320x200 (the CGA screen) and runs at about one frame per second on a 20mhz 286.
<lang asm> ;;; Simulation settings (probabilities are P/65536)
probF: equ 7 ; P(spontaneous combustion) ~= 0.0001
probP: equ 655 ; P(spontaneous growth) ~= 0.01
HSIZE: equ 320 ; Field width (320x200 fills CGA screen)
VSIZE: equ 200 ; Field height
FSIZE: equ HSIZE*VSIZE ; Field size
FPARA: equ FSIZE/16+1 ; Field size in paragraphs
;;; Field values
EMPTY: equ 0 ; Empty cell (also CGA black)
TREE: equ 1 ; Tree cell (also CGA green)
FIRE: equ 2 ; Burning cell (also CGA red)
;;; MS-DOS system calls and values
TOPSEG: equ 2 ; First unavailable segment
puts: equ 9 ; Print a string
time: equ 2Ch ; Get system time
exit: equ 4Ch ; Exit to DOS
;;; BIOS calls and values
palet: equ 0Bh ; Set CGA color pallette
vmode: equ 0Fh ; Get current video mode
keyb: equ 1 ; Get keyboard status
CGALO: equ 4 ; Low-res (4-color) CGA graphics mode
MDA: equ 7 ; MDA monochrome text mode
CGASEG: equ 0B800h ; CGA memory segment
cpu 8086
org 100h
section .text
;;; Program set-up (check memory size and set video mode)
mov sp,stack.top ; Move stack inwards
mov bp,sp ; Set BP to first available paragraph
mov cl,4
shr bp,cl
inc bp
mov dx,cs
add bp,dx
mov bx,[TOPSEG] ; Get first unavailable segment
sub bx,bp ; Get amount of available memory
cmp bx,FPARA*2 ; Enough to fit two fields?
ja mem_ok
mov dx,errmem ; If not, print error message
err: mov ah,puts
int 21h
mov ah,exit ; And stop
int 21h
mem_ok: mov ah,vmode ; Get current video mode
int 10h
push ax ; Keep on stack for later retrieval
cmp al,MDA ; MDA card does not support CGA graphics,
mov dx,errcga ; so print an error and quit.
je err
mov ax,CGALO ; Otherwise, switch to 320x200 CGA mode
int 10h
mov ah,palet ; And set the black/green/red/brown palette
mov bx,0100h
int 10h
mov ah,time ; Get the system time
int 21h
mov [rnddat],cx ; Use it as the RNG seed
mov [rnddat+2],dx
;;; Initialize the field (place trees randomly)
mov es,bp ; ES = field segment
xor di,di ; Start at first field
mov cx,FSIZE ; CX = how many cells to initialize
mov ah,TREE
ptrees: call random ; Get random byte
and al,ah ; Place a tree 50% of the time
loop ptrees
mov ds,bp ; DS = field segment
;;; Write field to CGA display
disp: xor si,si ; Start at beginning
mov dx,CGASEG ; ES = CGA memory segment
.scrn: mov es,dx
xor di,di ; Start of segment
.line: mov cx,HSIZE/8 ; 8 pixels per word
.word: xor bx,bx ; BX will hold CGA word
xor ah,ah ; Set high byte to zero
%rep 7 ; Unroll this loop for speed
lodsb ; Get cell
or bx,ax ; Put it in low 2 bits of BX
shl bx,1 ; Shift BX to make room for next field
shl bx,1
lodsb ; No shift needed for final cell
or ax,bx
stosw ; Store word in CGA memory
loop .word ; Do next byte of line
add si,HSIZE ; Even and odd lines stored separately
cmp si,FSIZE ; Done yet?
jb .line ; If not, do next line
add dx,200h ; Move to next segment
cmp dx,CGASEG+200h ; If we still need to do the odd lines,
mov si,HSIZE ; then do them
jbe .scrn
;;; Stop the program if a key is pressed
mov ah,1 ; Check if a key is pressed
int 16h
jz calc ; If not, calculate next field state
pop ax ; Otherwise, restore the old video mode,
int 10h
mov ah,exit ; and exit to DOS.
int 21h
;;; Calculate next field state
calc: mov ax,ds ; Set ES = new field segment
add ax,FPARA
mov es,ax
xor di,di ; Start at beginning
xor si,si
.cell: lodsb ; Get cell
dec al ; A=1 = tree
jz .tree
dec al ; A=2 = fire
jz .fire
call rand16 ; An empty space fills with a tree
cmp ax,probP ; with probability P.
jc .mtree ; Otherwise it stays empty
.fire: xor al,al ; A burning tree turns into an empty cell
jmp .cnext
.mtree: mov al,TREE
.cnext: cmp si,FSIZE ; Are we there yet?
jne .cell ; If not, do next cell
push es ; Done - set ES=old field, DS=new field,
push ds
pop es
pop ds
mov cx,FSIZE/2
xor si,si
xor di,di
rep movsw ; copy the new field to the old field,
push es ; set DS to be the field to draw,
pop ds
xor di,di ; Instead of doing edge case handling in the
xor ax,ax ; Moore neighbourhood calculation, just zero
mov cx,HSIZE/2 ; out the borders for a slightly smaller image
rep stosw ; Upper border,
mov cx,HSIZE/2
rep stosw ; lower border,
mov di,HSIZE-5 ; right border.
mov cx,VSIZE-1
.bordr: stosb
add di,HSIZE-1
loop .bordr
jmp disp ; and update the display.
.tree: mov ax,[si-HSIZE-2] ; Load Moore neighbourhood
or al,[si-HSIZE]
or ax,[si-2]
or al,[si]
or ax,[si+HSIZE-2]
or al,[si+HSIZE]
or al,ah
test al,FIRE ; Are any of the trees on fire?
jnz .tburn ; Then set this tree on fire too
call rand16 ; Otherwise, spontaneous combustion?
cmp ax,probF
jc .tburn
mov al,TREE ; If not, the tree remains a tree
jmp .cnext
.tburn: mov al,FIRE ; Set the tree on fire
jmp .cnext
;;; Get a random word in AX
rand16: call random
xchg al,ah
;;; Get a random byte in AL. BX and DX destroyed.
random: mov bx,[cs:rnddat] ; BL=X BH=A
mov dx,[cs:rnddat+2] ; DL=B DH=C
inc bl ; X++
xor bh,dh ; A ^= C
xor bh,bl ; A ^= X
add dl,bh ; B += A
mov al,dl ; C' = B
shr al,1 ; C' >>= 1
add al,dh ; C' += C
xor al,bh ; C' ^= A
mov dh,al ; C = C'
mov [cs:rnddat+2],dx ; Update RNG state
mov [cs:rnddat],bx
section .data
errcga: db 'CGA mode not supported.$'
errmem: db 'Not enough memory.$'
section .bss
rnddat: resb 4 ; RNG state
stack: resw 128 ; Stack space
.top: equ $</lang>


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