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Four bit adder: Difference between revisions

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15 + 15 = 1111 + 1111 = 1 1110 = 30
<lang swift>typealias FourBit = (Int, Int, Int, Int)
func halfAdder(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) -> (Int, Int) {
return (a ^ b, a & b)
func fullAdder(_ a: Int, _ b: Int, carry: Int) -> (Int, Int) {
let (s0, c0) = halfAdder(a, b)
let (s1, c1) = halfAdder(s0, carry)
return (s1, c0 | c1)
func fourBitAdder(_ a: FourBit, _ b: FourBit) -> (FourBit, carry: Int) {
let (sum1, carry1) = halfAdder(a.3, b.3)
let (sum2, carry2) = fullAdder(a.2, b.2, carry: carry1)
let (sum3, carry3) = fullAdder(a.1, b.1, carry: carry2)
let (sum4, carryOut) = fullAdder(a.0, b.0, carry: carry3)
return ((sum4, sum3, sum2, sum1), carryOut)
let a = (0, 1, 1, 0)
let b = (0, 1, 1, 0)
print("\(a) + \(b) = \(fourBitAdder(a, b))")
<pre>(0, 1, 1, 0) + (0, 1, 1, 0) = ((1, 1, 0, 0), carry: 0)</pre>
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