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User:Tyrok1/monobook.js: Difference between revisions

Trying new link
(Trying new link)
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This comparison script was written by
Tyrok1, and has been tested inon CrFx 123.6.6,
Cr 5.0.375.99, Epiphany 2.30.2,
Midori 0.2.2
var gadgetsAvailable = [
//define the relationship between the CSS classes and what they do
var highlightClasses = [
id: "LanguageComparison",
{ cssBase: "co", description: "Comments" },
name: "Language comparison",
{ cssBase: "nu", description: "Numbers" },
url: "http://rosettacode.org/mw/index.php" +
{ cssBase: "kw", description: "Keywords" },
"?title=Rosetta_Code:Language_comparison_script" +
{ cssBase: "sy", description: "Operators" },
{ cssBase: "st", description: "Strings" },
prefix: "Compare"
{ cssBase: "re", description: "Variables/Erlang Funs" },
{ cssBase: "br", description: "Brackets/Parens" },
{ cssBase: "co", description: "Comments/Compiler directives" },
id: "Highlight",
{ cssBase: "me", description: "Class methods" }
name: "Syntax Highlight Color Picker",
url: "http://rosettacode.org/mw/index.php" +
"?title=Rosetta_Code:Syntax_Highlight_Color_Picker" +
prefix: "Highlight"
id: "UtilityButtonBar",
name: "Utility button bar",
url: "http://rosettacode.org/mw/index.php" +
"?title=Rosetta_Code:Per-Code_Example_Buttonbar" +
prefix: "ButtonBar"
function AddHandlerGadgetsAddHandler(el, handlerType, func)
//add an event handler in a more cross-browser way
Line 35 ⟶ 51:
function IsChildGadgetsScriptLoad(parent, childg)
//check to see if anwe elementneed is a child ofto anotherload elementit
//if we don't, there's not much point in loading it again
while(child && child != parent)
if(!document.getElementById("GadgetScript" + g))
var scriptEl = document.createElement("script");
child = child.parentNode;
scriptEl.setAttribute("id", "GadgetScript" + g);
scriptEl.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
scriptEl.setAttribute("src", gadgetsAvailable[g].url);
return (child == parent);
function HighlightCodeGadgetsScriptActivate(codeElg)
//check to see if the script's finished loading
//find all instances of elements with the classes given and update their colors
if(eval("typeof " + gadgetsAvailable[g].prefix + "Activate") == "undefined")
var allSpans = codeEl.getElementsByTagName("span");
for(var s = 0; s < allSpans.length; ++s)
//not finished yet - try reactivating in another 0.5s
setTimeout(function() { GadgetsScriptActivate(g); }, 500);
for(var c in highlightClasses)
var cssBase = allSpans[s].className.substring(0, highlightClasses[c].cssBase.length);
//run the activation function
if(cssBase == highlightClasses[c].cssBase)
eval(gadgetsAvailable[g].prefix + "Activate();");
var colorEl = document.getElementById("HighlightColor" + c);
var dropdownVal = colorEl.options[colorEl.selectedIndex].value;
allSpans[s].style.color = (dropdownVal == "auto" ? null : dropdownVal);
function HighlightUpdateGadgetsScriptDeactivate(g)
//check to see if the specified script has a deactivation function
//look for language examples
if(eval("typeof " + gadgetsAvailable[g].prefix + "Deactivate") != "undefined")
var allPres = document.getElementsByTagName("pre");
for(var p = 0; p < allPres.length; ++p)
//it does - run it
if(allPres[p].className && allPres[p].className.indexOf("highlighted_source") >= 0)
eval(gadgetsAvailable[g].prefix + "Deactivate();");
//save defaults to cookie
var defaults = "";
for(var c in highlightClasses)
//pop up a warning to the user to let them know
var colorEl = document.getElementById("HighlightColor" + c);
//the plugin will be disabled when they reload
defaults += (defaults == "" ? "" : ",") + highlightClasses[c].cssBase + "-" + colorEl.options[colorEl.selectedIndex].value;
alert("This script will be disabled on next page load");
document.cookie = ("highlightDefaults=" + defaults + "; expires=" + (new Date((new Date()).getTime() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365)).toGMTString() + "; path=/");
function HighlightAddToolboxGadgetsCreateCheckboxClosure(el)
//create an onclick handler for the script checkboxes
//check the cookie for default colors from last time
return function() {
var cookies = document.cookie.split(";");
//save the checkboxes to the cookie for next page load
for(var c in cookies)
var nameVal = cookies[c].split("=", 2);
//check to see if we need to activate or deactivate
if(nameVal[0].replace(/^ */, "") == "highlightDefaults")
var defaults = nameVal[1].split(",");
for(var d in defaults)
var defaultNameVal = defaults[d].split("-", 2);
for(var h in highlightClasses)
//load and activate the script
if(highlightClasses[h].cssBase == defaultNameVal[0])
highlightClasses[h].defaultColor = defaultNameVal[1];
} else
} {
//deactivate the script
function GadgetsMouseOver()
//show the scripts dropdown
document.getElementById("pt-jsgadgets-list").style.display = "block";
function GadgetsMouseOut()
//hide the scripts dropdown
document.getElementById("pt-jsgadgets-list").style.display = "none";
function GadgetsSaveCheckboxes()
var checkedBoxes = "", checkboxEl = null;
//build a string representation of all of the checked boxes to save to the cookie
//add the toolbox
for(var c = 0; checkboxEl = document.getElementById("pt-jsgadgets-gadget" + c); ++c)
var hexDigits = ["0", "3", "6", "9", "c", "f"];
var sideColumn = document.getElementById("column-one");
var portletEl = sideColumn.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
portletEl.className = "portlet";
portletEl.id = "HighlightToolbox";
portletEl.style.position = "relative";
portletEl.appendChild(document.createElement("h5")).appendChild(document.createTextNode("Highlight Colors"));
var pBodyEl = portletEl.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
pBodyEl.className = "pBody";
var dlEl = pBodyEl.appendChild(document.createElement("dl"));
for(var c in highlightClasses)
var labelEl = dlEl.appendChild(document.createElement("dt")).appendChild(document.createElement("label"));
labelEl.setAttribute("for", "HighlightColor" + c);
var inputEl = document.createElement("select");
inputEl.id = "HighlightColor" + c;
inputEl = dlEl.appendChild(document.createElement("dd")).appendChild(inputEl);
inputEl.onclick = HighlightUpdate;
inputEl.onchange = HighlightUpdate;
inputEl.onkeyup = HighlightUpdate;
var optionEl = inputEl.appendChild(document.createElement("option"));
optionEl.value = "auto";
var optionNum = 1;
for(h1 in hexDigits)
forif(h2checkedBoxes in!= hexDigits"")
checkedBoxes += ",";
for(h3 in hexDigits)
var optionEl = inputEl.appendChild(document.createElement("option"));
var color = "#" + hexDigits[h1] + hexDigits[h2] + hexDigits[h3];
optionEl.value = color;
optionEl.style.color = color;
if(highlightClasses[c].defaultColor && color.toLowerCase() == highlightClasses[c].defaultColor.toLowerCase())
inputEl.selectedIndex = optionNum;
checkedBoxes += gadgetsAvailable[c].id;
//set an expiry date 1000 years into the future
var expireDate = new Date();
expireDate.setFullYear(expireDate.getFullYear() + 1000);
//store the cookie
document.cookie = "jsGadgets=" + escape(checkedBoxes) +
"; expires=" + expireDate.toUTCString();
function HighlightScrollGadgetsGetCheckboxes(e)
//pull in the cookie and look for the jsGadgets key
var toolboxEl = document.getElementById("HighlightToolbox");
var fullCookie = document.cookie;
var gadgetsPos = fullCookie.indexOf("jsGadgets=");
if(gadgetsPos < 0)
//no gadgets in the cookie
toolboxEl.originalTop = toolboxEl.offsetTop;
return new Array();
var endPos = fullCookie.indexOf(";", gadgetsPos);
var pageScroll = (document.body.scrollTop ? document.body.scrollTop : window.pageYOffset);
var newTop = (pageScroll - toolboxEl.originalTop);
//split the gadget IDs by comma
toolboxEl.style.top = (newTop >= 0 ? newTop : 0) + "px";
var jsGadgets = fullCookie.substring(gadgetsPos + ("jsGadgets=").length,
(endPos > 0 ? endPos : fullCookie.length));
var checkIDs = unescape(jsGadgets).split(",");
function HighlightActivate()
//translate the list of IDs to a list of array indices,
//check to see if we're looking at a task page
//in keeping with the way the rest of this module works
var catLinksEl = document.getElementById("catlinks");
var isTaskcheckIndices = falsenew Array();
for(var g = 0; g < gadgetsAvailable.length; ++g)
for(var c = 0; c < checkIDs.length; ++c)
var aEls = catLinksEl.getElementsByTagName("a");
for(var a = 0; a < aEls.length; ++a)
if(gadgetsAvailable[g].id == checkIDs[c])
if(aEls[a].getAttribute("title") == "Category:Programming Tasks")
checkIndices[checkIndices.length] = g;
//it's a task
isTask = true;
return checkIndices;
function GadgetsActivate()
//find the user preferences button and add a new list item to the right of it
var prefsEl = document.getElementById("pt-preferences");
var personalEl = document.getElementById("p-personal");
var liEls = personalEl.getElementsByTagName("li");
if(!liEls || liEls.length < 2)
prefsEl = liEls[liEls.length - 2];
var jsMenuEl = prefsEl.parentNode.insertBefore(
document.createElement("li"), prefsEl.nextSibling);
jsMenuEl.setAttribute("id", "pt-jsgadgets");
//add a new link named "My scripts" in the new list item
//from a semantics point of view, this is not great,
//but this way the styling kicks in to keep it consistent with its siblings
var jsLinkEl = jsMenuEl.appendChild(document.createElement("a"));
jsLinkEl.appendChild(document.createTextNode("My scripts"));
jsLinkEl.setAttribute("href", "javascript: void(0);");
jsLinkEl.style.position = "relative";
//add handlers for showing on mouseover and hiding on mouseout
AddHandler(window, "scroll", HighlightScroll);
GadgetsAddHandler(jsLinkEl, "mouseover", GadgetsMouseOver);
GadgetsAddHandler(jsLinkEl, "mouseout", GadgetsMouseOut);
//build a list for showing available JS gadgets
var modulesListEl = jsLinkEl.appendChild(document.createElement("ol"));
modulesListEl.setAttribute("id", "pt-jsgadgets-list");
modulesListEl.style.listStyle = "none";
modulesListEl.style.margin = 0;
modulesListEl.style.padding = 0;
modulesListEl.style.position = "absolute";
modulesListEl.style.top = "100%";
modulesListEl.style.left = 0;
modulesListEl.style.backgroundColor = "#fff";
modulesListEl.style.border = "1px solid #69c";
modulesListEl.style.padding = "0.5em";
modulesListEl.style.display = "none";
//raise the zIndex of the new button (as well as
//a few parents) so the menu overlaps the page
var zEl = modulesListEl;
for(var z = 0; z < 6 && zEl && zEl.style; ++z, zEl = zEl.parentNode)
zEl.style.zIndex = 100;
//add each of the gadgets to the list
for(var m = 0; m < gadgetsAvailable.length; ++m)
//add the list item element
var liEl = modulesListEl.appendChild(document.createElement("li"));
liEl.style.display = "block";
liEl.style.cssFloat = "none";
liEl.style.right = "auto";
liEl.style.left = 0;
liEl.style.textAlign = "left";
liEl.style.margin = 0;
liEl.style.padding = 0;
//add the checkbox
var inputEl = document.createElement("input");
var checkboxId = "pt-jsgadgets-gadget" + m;
inputEl.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
inputEl.setAttribute("id", checkboxId);
inputEl.setAttribute("value", m);
GadgetsAddHandler(inputEl, "click", GadgetsCreateCheckboxClosure(inputEl));
//add the label
var labelEl = document.createElement("label");
labelEl.setAttribute("for", checkboxId);
labelEl.style.paddingLeft = "1em";
//fetch the saved checkboxes from the cookie
var checks = GadgetsGetCheckboxes();
for(var c = 0; c < checks.length; ++c)
//for each one that should be checked on page load,
//check the box, load, and activate it
document.getElementById("pt-jsgadgets-gadget" + checks[c]).checked = true;
//register the comparison script with the window's load event
AddHandlerGadgetsAddHandler(window, "load", HighlightActivateGadgetsActivate);
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