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Take notes on the command line: Difference between revisions

Added Erlang
(Added Erlang)
Line 450:
<lang Erlang>
#! /usr/bin/env escript
main( Arguments ) ->
display_notes( Arguments ),
save_notes( Arguments ).
display_notes( [] ) -> io:fwrite( "~s", [erlang:binary_to_list(file_contents())] );
display_notes( _Arguments ) -> ok.
file() -> "NOTES.TXT".
file_contents() -> file_contents( file:read_file(file()) ).
file_contents( {ok, Binary} ) -> Binary;
file_contents( {error, _Error} ) -> <<>>.
save_notes( [] ) -> ok;
save_notes( Arguments ) ->
Date = io_lib:format( "~p~n", [calendar:local_time()] ),
Notes = [Date ++ "\t" | [io_lib:format( "~s ", [X]) || X <- Arguments]],
Existing_contents = file_contents(),
file:write_file( file(), [Existing_contents, Notes, "\n"] ).
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