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Knapsack problem/Continuous: Difference between revisions

added Fortran
(Added PicoLisp)
(added Fortran)
Line 35:
'''Which items does the robber carry in his knapsack so that their total weight does not exceed 15 kg, and their total value is maximised?'''
{{works with|Fortran|90 and later}}
<lang fortran>program KNAPSACK_CONTINUOUS
implicit none
real, parameter :: maxweight = 15.0
real :: total_weight = 0, total_value = 0, frac
integer :: i, j
type Item
character(7) :: name
real :: weight
real :: value
end type Item
type(Item) :: items(9), temp
items(1) = Item("beef", 3.8, 36.0)
items(2) = Item("pork", 5.4, 43.0)
items(3) = Item("ham", 3.6, 90.0)
items(4) = Item("greaves", 2.4, 45.0)
items(5) = Item("flitch", 4.0, 30.0)
items(6) = Item("brawn", 2.5, 56.0)
items(7) = Item("welt", 3.7, 67.0)
items(8) = Item("salami", 3.0, 95.0)
items(9) = Item("sausage", 5.9, 98.0)
! sort items in desending order of their value per unit weight
do i = 2, size(items)
j = i - 1
temp = items(i)
do while (j>=1 .and. items(j)%value / items(j)%weight < temp%value / temp%weight)
items(j+1) = items(j)
j = j - 1
end do
items(j+1) = temp
end do
i = 0
write(*, "(a4, a13, a6)") "Item", "Weight", "Value"
do while(i < size(items) .and. total_weight < maxweight)
i = i + 1
if(total_weight+items(i)%weight < maxweight) then
total_weight = total_weight + items(i)%weight
total_value = total_value + items(i)%value
write(*, "(a7, 2f8.2)") items(i)
frac = (maxweight-total_weight) / items(i)%weight
total_weight = total_weight + items(i)%weight * frac
total_value = total_value + items(i)%value * frac
write(*, "(a7, 2f8.2)") items(i)%name, items(i)%weight * frac, items(i)%value * frac
end if
end do
write(*, "(f15.2, f8.2)") total_weight, total_value
end program KNAPSACK_CONTINUOUS</lang>


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