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See [[Remote agent/Simulation/Julia]]
This is the server. It runs in one of three modes. If it is started with a port number as the argument, it
becomes a TCP server listening on that port, and the agent can talk to it over tcp.
If it is started on a terminal (perl's -t is true) it sets the terminal to cbreak mode and can be talked to directly.
Otherwise it can be run under xinetd.
<lang perl>#!/usr/bin/perl
use strict; # https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Remote_agent
use warnings;
use List::Util qw( shuffle );
use Term::ReadKey;
# server
my $port = shift;
my ($wide, $high) = ( 30 ) x 2;
my $world = '-' x ($wide + 2) . "\n" .
('-' . ' ' x $wide . "-\n") x $high .
'-' x ($wide + 2) . "\n";
my $balls = $world;
for my $try (1 .. 1e3) # try again if no mismatch
s/\w/ /g for $world, $balls;
$world =~ s/ / qw(R G Y B)[rand 4] /ge; # fill in color sectors
my @balls = shuffle map lc, $world =~ /\w/g;
@balls[ @balls >> 1 .. $#balls] = (0) x @balls;
@balls = shuffle @balls;
$balls =~ s/ / shift @balls || 0 /ge; # add balls
findmismatch() and last;
#sub show
# {
# my @two = split /\n/, $balls;
# warn "$_ ", shift @two, "\n" for $world =~ /.+/g;
# }
my $gap = $wide + 3;
my @cells;
push @cells, $-[0] while $world =~ /\w/g;
my $agent = $cells[rand @cells]; # pick random starting cell
my $dirs = 'NESW' x 2;
my ($holds, $dir) = ( 0, substr $dirs, rand 4, 1 ); # random direction
my ($color, $ball) = map {substr $_, $agent, 1 } $world, $balls;
my %gap = ( N => -$gap, E => 1, S => $gap, W => -1 );
my %commands = (
'^' => \&forward,
'>' => sub { $dirs =~ /$dir(.)/ and $dir = $1 }, # turn right
'<' => sub { $dirs =~ /(.)$dir/ and $dir = $1 }, # turn left
'@' => \&get,
'!' => \&drop,
"\e" => sub {die "\nEnded by ESC\n" },
sub drop
print 'a' x !$holds, 'S' x !!$ball; # errors
if( $holds && !$ball )
substr $balls, $agent, 1, $holds;
($ball, $holds) = ($holds, 0);
findmismatch() or print '+';
sub get
$ball =~ /[rgby]/ or print 's';
$holds and print 'A';
if( $ball and not $holds )
$holds = $ball;
substr $balls, $agent, 1, 0;
sub forward
my $new = $agent + $gap{$dir};
if( substr($world, $new, 1) =~ /\w/ ) # not wall
$agent = $new;
($color, $ball) = map {substr $_, $agent, 1 } $world, $balls;
print $color, $ball || ''; # 0 means no ball
else { print '|'; }
sub findmismatch
my $mask = $balls =~ tr/rgby/\0/cr =~ tr/rgby/\xff/r;
lc($world & $mask) ne ($balls & $mask);
my $terminal = 0;
if( $port ) # then we are tcp server
use IO::Socket;
my $listen = IO::Socket::INET->new( LocalPort => $port,
Listen => 10, Reuse => 1 ) or die $@;
# warn "waiting for connect\n";
my $socket = $listen->accept;
close STDIN; # redir STDIN and STDOUT to socket
open STDIN, '<&', $socket or die "$! on input dup";
close STDOUT;
open STDOUT, '>&', $socket or die "$! on output dup";
elsif( -t ) # running on a tty
$terminal = 1;
# warn "running on terminal\n";
else # suitable for xinetd
# warn "running as subprocess\n";
eval # here so die when on tty can reset tty back to normal
local $/ = \1; # all commands are one byte
local $| = 1; # autoflush
$terminal and ReadMode 'cbreak';
print 'A'; # handshake
<> eq 'A' or die "handshake failed";
# warn "got handshake reply\n";
while( <> ) # command read loop
( $commands{$_} // sub {die "invalid command <$_>"} )->();
print '.'; # eol
1 } or warn $@;
$terminal and ReadMode 'restore';
#warn "final\n";
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