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(glasses 7 20 1) (towel 18 12 2) (socks 4 50 1) (book 30 10 2))))</lang>
Branch and Bound solution
<lang Ruby>record Item, name : String, weight : Int32, value : Int32, count : Int32
record Selection, mask : Array(Int32), cur_index : Int32, total_value : Int32
class Knapsack
@threshold_value = 0
@threshold_choice : Selection?
getter checked_nodes = 0
def knapsack_step(taken, items, remaining_weight)
if taken.total_value > @threshold_value
@threshold_value = taken.total_value
@threshold_choice = taken
candidate_index = items.index(taken.cur_index) { |item| item.weight <= remaining_weight }
return nil unless candidate_index
@checked_nodes += 1
candidate = items[candidate_index]
# candidate is a best of available items, so if we fill remaining value with
# and still don't reach the threshold, the branch is wrong
return nil if taken.total_value + 1.0 * candidate.value / candidate.weight * remaining_weight < @threshold_value
# now recursively check all variants (from taking maximum count to taking nothing)
max_count = {candidate.count, remaining_weight / candidate.weight}.min
(0..max_count).reverse_each do |n|
mask = taken.mask.clone
mask[candidate_index] = n
knapsack_step Selection.new(mask, candidate_index + 1, taken.total_value + n*candidate.value), items, remaining_weight - n*candidate.weight
def select(items, max_weight)
@checked_variants = 0
# sort by descending relative value
list = items.sort_by { |item| -1.0 * item.value / item.weight }
nothing = Selection.new(Array(Int32).new(items.size, 0), 0, 0)
@threshold_value = 0
@threshold_choice = nothing
knapsack_step(nothing, list, max_weight)
selected = @threshold_choice.not_nil!
result = Hash(Item, Int32).new(0)
selected.mask.each_with_index { |v, i| result[list[i]] = v if v > 0 }
possible = [
Item.new("map", 9, 150, 1),
Item.new("compass", 13, 35, 1),
Item.new("water", 153, 200, 2),
Item.new("sandwich", 50, 60, 2),
Item.new("glucose", 15, 60, 2),
Item.new("tin", 68, 45, 3),
Item.new("banana", 27, 60, 3),
Item.new("apple", 39, 40, 3),
Item.new("cheese", 23, 30, 1),
Item.new("beer", 52, 10, 3),
Item.new("suntan cream", 11, 70, 1),
Item.new("camera", 32, 30, 1),
Item.new("T-shirt", 24, 15, 2),
Item.new("trousers", 48, 10, 2),
Item.new("umbrella", 73, 40, 1),
Item.new("waterproof trousers", 42, 70, 1),
Item.new("waterproof overclothes", 43, 75, 1),
Item.new("note-case", 22, 80, 1),
Item.new("sunglasses", 7, 20, 1),
Item.new("towel", 18, 12, 2),
Item.new("socks", 4, 50, 1),
Item.new("book", 30, 10, 2),
solver = Knapsack.new
used = solver.select(possible, 400)
puts "optimal choice: #{used.map { |item, count| count == 1 ? item.name : "#{count}x #{item.name}" }.join(", ")}"
puts "total weight #{used.sum { |item, count| item.weight*count }}"
puts "total value #{used.sum { |item, count| item.value*count }}"
puts "checked nodes: #{solver.checked_nodes}"</lang>
<pre>optimal choice: map, socks, suntan cream, 2x glucose, note-case, sunglasses, compass, 3x banana, waterproof overclothes, water, cheese
total weight 396
total value 1010
checked nodes: 1185
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