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{{works with|Fortran|90 and later}}
<langsyntaxhighlight lang="fortran">module RCImageBasicrgbimage_m
implicit none
public :: rgbimage
type rgbimage
!! usage
integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: red, green, blue
!! integer :: width, height1) init
!! 2a) fill_image
end type rgbimage
!! or
!! 2b) set_pixel
!! 3) normalize
!! 4) write
type rgb
integer :: red, green, blue
end type rgb
integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: rgb
interface operator (==)
!! pixel arrays of rgb values
module procedure rgbequal
!! indices (i,j,k)
end interface
!! i: position x_i
!! j: position y_j
!! k=1: red, k=2: green, k=3: blue
integer :: n(2) = 0
interface operator (.dist.)
!! image dimensions: [height, width]
module procedure colordistance
end interface
procedure :: init => rgbimage_init ! inits image
procedure :: fill_image => rgbimage_fill_image ! fill image with constant rgb value
procedure :: get_pixel => rgbimage_get_pixel ! gets one pixel
procedure :: normalize => rgbimage_normalize ! normalizes all pixels onto range [0, 255]
procedure :: set_pixel => rgbimage_set_pixel ! sets one pixel
procedure :: write => rgbimage_write ! outputs image to file
procedure, private :: inside => rgbimage_inside
procedure, private :: valid => rgbimage_valid
end type
subroutine init_imgrgbimage_init(imgthis, height, width)
!! initialize image.
type(rgbimage), intent(out) :: img
!! sets dimensions, allocates pixels and sets colors to 0.
img%width = 0
img%height = 0
end subroutine init_img
class(rgbimage), intent(out) :: this
subroutine set_color(color, r, g, b)
type(rgb)integer, intent(outin) :: colorheight, width
integer, intent(in) :: r, g, b
where ( r > 255 )
color%red = 255
elsewhere ( r < 0 )
color%red = 0
color%red = r
end where
where ( g > 255 )
color%green = 255
elsewhere ( g < 0 )
color%green = 0
color%green = g
end where
where ( b > 255 )
color%blue = 255
elsewhere ( b < 0 )
color%blue = 0
color%blue = b
end where
end subroutine set_color
this%n = [height, width]
function colordistance(c1, c2) result(res)
allocate (this%rgb(height,width,3), source=0)
real :: res
end subroutine
type(rgb), intent(in) :: c1, c2
res = sqrt( real(c1%red - c2%red)**2 + real(c1%green - c2%green)**2 + &
real(c1%blue - c2%blue)**2 ) / ( 256.0*sqrt(3.0) )
end function colordistance
logical function rgbequalrgbimage_valid(c1this, c2check_rgb_vals)
!! checks if the image has valid dimensions and optionally valid rgb values.
logical :: rgbequal
type(rgb), intent(in) :: c1, c2
rgbequal = .true.
if ( (c1%red == c2%red) .and. (c1%green == c2%green) .and. &
(c1%blue == c2%blue) ) return
rgbequal = .false.
end function rgbequal
class(rgbimage), intent(in) :: this
function inside_image(img, x, y) result(r)
logical, intent(in), optional :: rcheck_rgb_vals
!! check if rgb values are in allowed range [0, 255]?
type(rgbimage), intent(in) :: img
!! default: dont check
integer, intent(in) :: x, y
! always check that dimensions match
r = .false.
ifrgbimage_valid = ( all(xthis%n <> img%width0) .and. ( y < img%height ) .and. &
& (x >= 0 ) .and. ( y >= 0 (size(this%rgb, dim=1) == this%n(1)) .and. then&
& (size(this%rgb, dim=2) == this%n(2)) .and. &
r = .true.
& (size(this%rgb, dim=3) == 3) )
! optionally: check if rgb values are in allowed range
if (present(check_rgb_vals)) then
if (check_rgb_vals) rgbimage_valid = ( rgbimage_valid .and. &
& (all(this%rgb >= 0)) .and. &
& (all(this%rgb <= 255)) )
end if
end function inside_image
function valid_image(img) result(r)
logical :: r
type(rgbimage) :: img
end function
r = .false.
if ( img%width == 0 ) return
if ( img%height == 0 ) return
if ( .not. associated(img%red) .and. .not. associated(img%green) .and. &
.not. associated(img%blue) ) return
r = .true.
end function valid_image
logical function rgbimage_inside(this, x, y)
subroutine normalize_img(img)
!! checks if given coordinates are inside the image
type(rgbimage), intent(inout) :: img
class(rgbimage), intent(in) :: this
where ( img%red > 255 )
integer, intent(in) :: x, y
img%red = 255
elsewhere ( img%red < 0 )
img%red = 0
end where
where ( img%green > 255 )
img%green = 255
elsewhere ( img%green < 0 )
img%green = 0
end where
where ( img%blue > 255 )
img%blue = 255
elsewhere ( img%blue < 0 )
img%blue = 0
end where
end subroutine normalize_img
rgbimage_inside = ((x > 0) .and. (x <= this%n(1)) .and. (y > 0) .and. (y <= this%n(2)))
subroutine alloc_img(img, w, h)
end function
type(rgbimage) :: img
integer, intent(in) :: w, h
subroutine rgbimage_set_pixel(this, x, y, rgb)
allocate(img%red(w, h))
class(rgbimage), intent(inout) :: this
allocate(img%green(w, h))
integer, intent(in) :: x, y
allocate(img%blue(w, h))
!! coordinates
img%width = w
integer, intent(in) :: rgb(3)
img%height = h
!! red, green, blue values
end subroutine alloc_img
if (this%inside(x, y)) then
subroutine free_img(img)
! use given data at first
type(rgbimage) :: img
this%rgb(x,y,:) = rgb
! check if given data was out of bounds
if ( associated(img%red) ) deallocate(img%red)
if ( associatedwhere (imgthis%greenrgb(x,y,:) )> deallocate(img%green255)
this%rgb(x,y,:) = 255
if ( associated(img%blue) ) deallocate(img%blue)
elsewhere (this%rgb(x,y,:) < 0)
end subroutine free_img
this%rgb(x,y,:) = 0
end where
end if
end subroutine
function rgbimage_get_pixel(this, x, y) result(rgb)
subroutine fill_img(img, color)
typeclass(rgbimage), intent(inoutin) :: imgthis
type(rgb)integer, intent(in) :: colorx, y
!! coordinates
integer :: rgb(3)
!! red, green, blue values
if (this%inside(x, valid_image(imgy) ) then
img%redrgb = modthis%rgb(abs(color%red)x, 256y,:)
img%green = mod(abs(color%green), 256)
img%bluergb = mod(abs(color%blue), 256)0
end if
end subroutine fill_imgfunction
subroutine put_pixel(img, x, y, color)
type(rgbimage), intent(inout) :: img
integer, intent(in) :: x, y
type(rgb), intent(in) :: color
subroutine rgbimage_normalize(this)
if ( inside_image(img, x, y) .and. valid_image(img)) then
!! normalize colors to be in range [0, 255]
img%red(x+1,y+1) = mod(abs(color%red), 256)
img%green(x+1, y+1) = mod(abs(color%green), 256)
img%blue(x+1, y+1) = mod(abs(color%blue), 256)
end if
end subroutine put_pixel
class(rgbimage), intent(inout) :: this
subroutine get_pixel(img, x, y, color)
type(rgbimage), intent(in) :: img
integer, intent(in) :: x, y
type(rgb), intent(out) :: color
where (this%rgb(:,:,:) > 255)
if ( inside_image(img, x, y) .and. valid_image(img)) then
colorthis%redrgb(:,:,:) = img%red(x+1, y+1)255
elsewhere (this%rgb(:,:,:) < 0)
color%green = img%green(x+1, y+1)
colorthis%bluergb(:,:,:) = img%blue(x+1, y+1)0
elseend where
end subroutine
color%red = 0
color%green = 0
subroutine rgbimage_fill_image(this, rgb)
color%blue = 0
!! fill whole image with given rgb values.
class(rgbimage), intent(inout) :: this
integer, intent(in) :: rgb(3)
!! red, green, blue values
integer :: i
if (this%valid()) then
do i = 1, 3
this%rgb(:,:,i) = rgb(i)
end do
end if
end subroutine get_pixel
subroutine rgbimage_write(this, fname)
class(rgbimage), intent(in) :: this
character(*), intent(in) :: fname
!! file path, e.g. "tmp/out.ppm"
integer :: iounit, ios, i,j,k
open (newunit=iounit, file=fname, iostat=ios, action='WRITE')
if (ios /= 0) error stop "Error opening file: " // fname
! write header
write (iounit, '(A)') 'P6'
write (iounit, '(I0, A, I0)') this%n(1), " ", this%n(2)
write (iounit, '(A)') '255'
do i = 1, this%n(1)
do j = 1, this%n(2)
write (iounit, '(3A1)', advance='no') [(achar(this%rgb(i,j,k)), k=1,3)]
end do
end do
close (unit=iounit, iostat=ios)
if (ios /= 0) error stop "Error closing file"
end subroutine
end module RCImageBasic</langsyntaxhighlight>


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