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Higher-order functions: Difference between revisions

Coffeescript implementation
(Coffeescript implementation)
Line 407:
(println (modify-string append-hello "World!"))
Passing an anonymous function to built-in map/reduce functions:
<lang coffeescript>double = [1,2,3].map (x) -> x*2</lang>
Using a function stored in a variable:
<lang coffeescript>fn = ->
return 8
sum = (a, b) -> a() + b()
sum(fn, fn) # => 16
List comprehension with a function argument:
<lang coffeescript>bowl = ["Cheese", "Tomato"]
smash = (ingredient) ->
return "Smashed #{ingredient}"
contents = smash ingredient for ingredient in bowl</lang>
<pre>["Smashed Cheese", "Smashed Tomato"]</pre>
=={{header|Common Lisp}}==
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