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Use another language to call a function: Difference between revisions

added ocaml
(→‎Tcl: Added implementation)
(added ocaml)
Line 65:
Here am I
<lang C>#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <caml/mlvalues.h>
#include <caml/callback.h>
extern int Query (char * Data, size_t * Length)
static value * closure_f = NULL;
if (closure_f == NULL) {
closure_f = caml_named_value("Query function cb");
value ret = caml_callback(*closure_f, Val_unit);
*Length = Int_val(Field(ret, 1));
strncpy(Data, String_val(Field(ret, 0)), *Length);
return 1;
int main (int argc, char * argv [])
char Buffer [1024];
unsigned Size = 0;
caml_main(argv); /* added from the original main */
if (0 == Query (Buffer, &Size))
printf ("failed to call Query\n");
char * Ptr = Buffer;
printf("size: %d\n", Size);
while (Size-- > 0) putchar (*Ptr++);
putchar ('\n');
<lang ocaml>let caml_query () =
let s = "Here am I" in
(s, String.length s)
let () =
Callback.register "Query function cb" caml_query;
<lang sh>ocamlopt -output-obj caml_part.ml -o caml_part_obj.o
gcc -c main.c -I"`ocamlc -where`"
gcc -o prog.opt main.o caml_part_obj.o \
-L"`ocamlc -where`" \
-lm -ldl -lasmrun</lang>
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