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Call a foreign-language function: Difference between revisions

(Added COBOL)
Line 333:
api = info->CAPI;
Tested with GnuCOBOL
<lang cobol> identification division.
program-id. foreign.
data division.
working-storage section.
01 hello.
05 value z"Hello, world".
01 duplicate usage pointer.
01 buffer pic x(16) based.
01 storage pic x(16).
procedure division.
call "strdup" using hello returning duplicate
on exception
display "error calling strdup" upon syserr
if duplicate equal null then
display "strdup returned null" upon syserr
set address of buffer to duplicate
string buffer delimited by low-value into storage
display function trim(storage)
call "free" using by value duplicate
on exception
display "error calling free" upon syserr
prompt$ cobc -x foreign.cob
prompt$ ./foreign
Hello, world
=={{header|Common Lisp}}==
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