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Seven-sided dice from five-sided dice: Difference between revisions

Added solution for Free Pascal (Lazarus)
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(Added solution for Free Pascal (Lazarus))
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A console application in Free Pascal, created with the Lazarus IDE.
The algorithm suggested in the task description requires on average 50/21 (about 2.38) calls to Dice5 for each call to Dice7. See the link in the VBA solution for a discussion on how to reduce this ratio. It cannot be made less than log_5(7) = 1.209062. The algorithm below is based on Rex Kerr's solution, and requires about 1.2185 calls to Dice5 per call to Dice7. Runtime is about 60% of that for the suggested simple algorithm.
A chi-squared test can be carried out with the help of statistical tables, and is preferred here to an arbitrary "naive" test.
<lang pascal>
unit UConverter;
Defines a converter object to output uniformly distributed random integers 1..7,
given a source of uniformly distributed random integers 1..5.
TFace5 = 1..5;
TFace7 = 1..7;
TDice5 = function() : TFace5;
type TConverter = class( TObject)
fDigitBuf: array [0..19] of integer; // holds digits in base 7
fBufCount, fBufPtr : integer;
fDice5 : TDice5; // passed-in generator for integers 1..5
fNrDice5 : int64; // diagnostics, counts calls to fDice5
constructor Create( aDice5 : TDice5);
procedure Reset();
function Dice7() : TFace7;
property NrDice5 : int64 read fNrDice5;
constructor TConverter.Create( aDice5 : TDice5);
inherited Create();
fDice5 := aDice5;
procedure TConverter.Reset();
fBufCount := 0;
fBufPtr := 0;
fNrDice5 := 0;
function TConverter.Dice7() : TFace7;
digit_holder, temp : int64;
j : integer;
if fBufPtr = fBufCount then begin // if no more in buffer
fBufCount := 0;
fBufPtr := 0;
repeat // first time through will usually be enough
// Use supplied fDice5 to generate random 23-digit integer in base 5.
digit_holder := 0;
for j := 0 to 22 do begin
digit_holder := 5*digit_holder + fDice5() - 1;
inc( fNrDice5);
// Convert to 20-digit number in base 7. (A simultaneous DivMod
// procedure would be neater, but isn't available for int64.)
for j := 0 to 19 do begin
temp := digit_holder div 7;
fDigitBuf[j] := digit_holder - 7*temp;
digit_holder := temp;
// Maximum possible is 5^23 - 1, which is 10214646460315315132 in base 7.
// If leading digit in base 7 is 0 then low 19 digits are random.
// Else number begins with 100, 101, or 102; and if with
// 100 or 101 then low 17 digits are random. And so on.
if fDigitBuf[19] = 0 then fBufCount := 19
else if fDigitBuf[17] < 2 then fBufCount := 17
else if fDigitBuf[16] = 0 then fBufCount := 16;
// We could go on but that will do.
until fBufCount > 0;
end; // if no more in buffer
result := fDigitBuf[fBufPtr] + 1;
inc( fBufPtr);
program Dice_SevenFromFive;
Demonstrates use of the UConverter unit.
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
SysUtils, UConverter;
function Dice5() : UConverter.TFace5;
result := Random(5) + 1; // Random(5) returns 0..4
// Percentage points of the chi-squared distribution, 6 degrees of freedom.
// From New Cambridge Statistical Tables, 2nd edn, pp. 40-41.
CHI_SQ_6df_95pc = 1.635;
CHI_SQ_6df_05pc = 12.59;
// Main routine
nrThrows, j, k : integer;
nrFaces : array [1..7] of integer;
X2, expected, diff : double;
conv : UConverter.TConverter;
conv := UConverter.TConverter.Create( @Dice5);
WriteLn( 'Enter 0 throws to quit');
WriteLn(''); Write( 'Number of throws (0 to quit): ');
ReadLn( nrThrows);
if nrThrows = 0 then begin
conv.Reset(); // clears count of calls to Dice5
for k := 1 to 7 do nrFaces[k] := 0;
for j := 1 to nrThrows do begin
k := conv.Dice7();
inc( nrFaces[k]);
WriteLn( SysUtils.Format( 'Number of throws = %10d', [nrThrows]));
WriteLn( SysUtils.Format( 'Calls to Dice5 = %10d', [conv.NrDice5]));
for k := 1 to 7 do
WriteLn( SysUtils.Format( ' Number of %d''s = %10d', [k, nrFaces[k]]));
// Calculation of chi-squared
expected := nrThrows/7.0;
X2 := 0.0;
for k := 1 to 7 do begin
diff := nrFaces[k] - expected;
X2 := X2 + diff*diff/expected;
WriteLn( SysUtils.Format( 'X^2 = %0.3f on 6 degrees of freedom', [X2]));
if X2 < CHI_SQ_6df_95pc then WriteLn( 'Too regular at 5% level')
else if X2 > CHI_SQ_6df_05pc then WriteLn( 'Too irregular at 5% level')
else WriteLn( 'Satisfactory at 5% level')
until false;
Number of throws = 100000000
Calls to Dice5 = 121846341
Number of 1's = 14282807
Number of 2's = 14282277
Number of 3's = 14288393
Number of 4's = 14285486
Number of 5's = 14289379
Number of 6's = 14291053
Number of 7's = 14280605
X^2 = 6.687 on 6 degrees of freedom
Satisfactory at 5% level


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