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Arrays: Difference between revisions

Latitude language added
m (change ascii to asciz)
(Latitude language added)
Line 3,441:
// Create an empty static array with a length of 32
local(mystaticArray) = staticarray_join(32,void)</lang>
Like everything in Latitude, arrays are simply objects. In particular, arrays store their elements in numerical slots rather than traditional symbolic ones. The translation scheme used to store them enables constant-time push and pop operations on either side of the array.
<lang Latitude>;; Construct an array.
foo := [1, 2, 3].
;; Arrays can also be constructed explicitly.
bar := Array clone.
bar pushBack (1).
bar pushBack (2).
bar pushBack (3).
;; Accessing values.
println: foo nth (2). ;; 3
;; Mutating values.
foo nth (1) = 99.
println: foo. ;; [1, 99, 3]
;; Appending to either the front or the back of the array.
foo pushBack ("back").
foo pushFront ("front").
println: foo. ;; ["front", 1, 99, 3, "back"]
;; Popping from the front or back.
println: foo popBack. ;; "back"
println: foo popBack. ;; 3
println: foo popFront. ;; "front"
println: foo. ;; [1, 99]</lang>


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