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BNF Grammar: Difference between revisions

18,860 bytes removed ,  14 years ago
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The BNF description follows, [http://www.cui.unige.ch/db-research/Enseignement/analyseinfo/JAVA/BNFindex.html BNF index of Java Language Grammar]
<div style="height:30ex;overflow:scroll"><pre>
"Name" = 'LALR(1) Java nonunicode grammar'
"Version" = '1.0 alpha 110'
"Author" = 'Dmitry Gazko'
"About" = 'Based on partial conversion of Sun Java 1.0-2.0 specification'
{String Char} = {Printable} - ["]
{Quote} = ['']
{IdLetter} = {Letter} + [_$]
{IdAlphaNumeric} = {Alphanumeric} + [_$]
{HexDigit} = {Digit} + [abcdefABCDEF]
{OctalCharSet} = [01234567]
{NoZeroDigit} = [123456789]
{LongTypeSuffix} =[lL]
{FloatTypeSuffix} =[dfDF]
{ExponentPartIndicator} = [eE]
{Sign} = [-+]
{CharSign} = [abtnfr"\] + {Quote}
{CharSign1} = {String Char} - [\]
{HexEscapeSign} =[uUxX]
Identifier = {IdLetter}{IdAlphaNumeric}*
StringLiteral = '"'{String Char}*'"'
FloatingPointLiteral = {Digit}+'.'{Digit}+{FloatTypeSuffix}? | {Digit}+{FloatTypeSuffix} | '.'{Digit}+{FloatTypeSuffix}?
FloatingPointLiteralExponent = {Digit}+'.'{Digit}+{ExponentPartIndicator}{Sign}?{Digit}+{FloatTypeSuffix}? | {Digit}+{ExponentPartIndicator}{Sign}?{Digit}+{FloatTypeSuffix}? | '.'{Digit}+{ExponentPartIndicator}{Sign}?{Digit}+{FloatTypeSuffix}?
BooleanLiteral = 'true' | 'false'
IndirectCharLiteral = {Quote}{CharSign1}{Quote}
StandardEscapeCharLiteral = {Quote}'\'{CharSign}{Quote}
OctalEscapeCharLiteral ={Quote}'\'{OctalCharSet}+{Quote}
HexEscapeCharLiteral ={Quote}'\'{HexEscapeSign}{HexDigit}+{Quote}
NullLiteral = 'null'
StartWithNoZeroDecimalIntegerLiteral = {NoZeroDigit}{Digit}*{LongTypeSuffix}?
StartWithZeroDecimalIntegerLiteral = '0'{LongTypeSuffix}?
HexIntegerLiteral = '0'('x'|'X'){HexDigit}+{LongTypeSuffix}?
OctalIntegerLiteral = '0'{OctalCharSet}+{LongTypeSuffix}?
"Case Sensitive" = 'True'
"Start Symbol" = <CompilationUnit>
Comment Start = '/*'
Comment End = '*/'
Comment Line = '//'
::= IndirectCharLiteral
| StandardEscapeCharLiteral
| OctalEscapeCharLiteral
| HexEscapeCharLiteral
::= StartWithZeroDecimalIntegerLiteral
| StartWithNoZeroDecimalIntegerLiteral
::= FloatingPointLiteral
| FloatingPointLiteralExponent
::= <DecimalIntegerLiteral>
| HexIntegerLiteral
| OctalIntegerLiteral
::= <IntegerLiteral>
| <FloatPointLiteral>
| BooleanLiteral
| <CharacterLiteral>
| StringLiteral
| NullLiteral
<Type> ::= <PrimitiveType>
| <ReferenceType>
<PrimitiveType> ::= <NumericType>
| 'boolean'
::= <IntegralType>
| <FloatingPointType>
::= 'byte'
| 'short'
| 'int'
| 'long'
| 'char'
::= 'float'
| 'double'
::= <ClassOrInterfaceType>
| <ArrayType>
<ClassOrInterfaceType> ::= <Name>
<ClassType> ::= <ClassOrInterfaceType>
<InterfaceType> ::= <ClassOrInterfaceType>
::= <PrimitiveType> '[' ']'
| <Name> '[' ']'
| <ArrayType> '[' ']'
::= <SimpleName>
| <QualifiedName>
<SimpleName> ::= Identifier
<QualifiedName> ::= <Name> '.' Identifier
::= <PackageDeclaration> <ImportDeclarations> <TypeDeclarations>
| <PackageDeclaration> <ImportDeclarations>
| <PackageDeclaration> <TypeDeclarations>
| <PackageDeclaration>
| <ImportDeclarations> <TypeDeclarations>
| <ImportDeclarations>
| <TypeDeclarations>
::= <ImportDeclaration>
| <ImportDeclarations> <ImportDeclaration>
::= <TypeDeclaration>
| <TypeDeclarations> <TypeDeclaration>
::= 'package' <Name> ';'
::= <SingleTypeImportDeclaration>
| <TypeImportOnDemandDeclaration>
::= 'import' <Name> ';'
::= 'import' <Name> '.' '*' ';'
::= <ClassDeclaration>
| <InterfaceDeclaration>
| ';'
::= <Modifier>
| <Modifiers> <Modifier>
::= 'public'
| 'protected'
| 'private'
| 'static'
| 'abstract'
| 'final'
| 'native'
| 'synchronized'
| 'transient'
| 'volatile'
::= <Modifiers> 'class' Identifier <Super> <Interfaces> <ClassBody>
| <Modifiers> 'class' Identifier <Super> <ClassBody>
| <Modifiers> 'class' Identifier <Interfaces> <ClassBody>
| <Modifiers> 'class' Identifier <ClassBody>
| 'class' Identifier <Super> <Interfaces> <ClassBody>
| 'class' Identifier <Super> <ClassBody>
| 'class' Identifier <Interfaces> <ClassBody>
| 'class' Identifier <ClassBody>
<Super> ::= 'extends' <ClassType>
<Interfaces> ::= 'implements' <InterfaceTypeList>
<InterfaceTypeList> ::= <InterfaceType>
| <InterfaceTypeList> ',' <InterfaceType>
::= '{' <ClassBodyDeclarations> '}'
| '{' '}'
::= <ClassBodyDeclaration>
| <ClassBodyDeclarations> <ClassBodyDeclaration>
::= <ClassMemberDeclaration>
| <StaticInitializer>
| <ConstructorDeclaration>
::= <FieldDeclaration>
| <MethodDeclaration>
::= <Modifiers> <Type> <VariableDeclarators> ';'
| <Type> <VariableDeclarators> ';'
::= <VariableDeclarator>
| <VariableDeclarators> ',' <VariableDeclarator>
::= <VariableDeclaratorId>
| <VariableDeclaratorId> '=' <VariableInitializer>
::= Identifier
| <VariableDeclaratorId> '[' ']'
::= <Expression>
| <ArrayInitializer>
<MethodDeclaration> ::= <MethodHeader> <MethodBody>
::= <Modifiers> <Type> <MethodDeclarator> <Throws>
| <Modifiers> <Type> <MethodDeclarator>
| <Type> <MethodDeclarator> <Throws>
| <Type> <MethodDeclarator>
| <Modifiers> 'void' <MethodDeclarator> <Throws>
| <Modifiers> 'void' <MethodDeclarator>
| 'void' <MethodDeclarator> <Throws>
| 'void' <MethodDeclarator>
::= Identifier '(' <FormalParameterList> ')'
| Identifier '(' ')'
| <MethodDeclarator> '[' ']'
::= <FormalParameter>
| <FormalParameterList> ',' <FormalParameter>
::= <Type> <VariableDeclaratorId>
::= 'throws' <ClassTypeList>
::= <ClassType>
| <ClassTypeList> ',' <ClassType>
::= <Block>
| ';'
::= 'static' <Block>
::= <Modifiers> <ConstructorDeclarator> <Throws> <ConstructorBody>
| <Modifiers> <ConstructorDeclarator> <ConstructorBody>
| <ConstructorDeclarator> <Throws> <ConstructorBody>
| <ConstructorDeclarator> <ConstructorBody>
::= <SimpleName> '(' <FormalParameterList> ')'
| <SimpleName> '(' ')'
::= '{' <ExplicitConstructorInvocation> <BlockStatements> '}'
| '{' <ExplicitConstructorInvocation> '}'
| '{' <BlockStatements> '}'
| '{' '}'
::= 'this' '(' <ArgumentList> ')' ';'
| 'this' '(' ')' ';'
| 'super' '(' <ArgumentList> ')' ';'
| 'super' '(' ')' ';'
::= <Modifiers> 'interface' Identifier <ExtendsInterfaces> <InterfaceBody>
| <Modifiers> 'interface' Identifier <InterfaceBody>
| 'interface' Identifier <ExtendsInterfaces> <InterfaceBody>
| 'interface' Identifier <InterfaceBody>
::= 'extends' <InterfaceType>
| <ExtendsInterfaces> ',' <InterfaceType>
::= '{' <InterfaceMemberDeclarations> '}'
| '{' '}'
::= <InterfaceMemberDeclaration>
| <InterfaceMemberDeclarations> <InterfaceMemberDeclaration>
::= <ConstantDeclaration>
| <AbstractMethodDeclaration>
<ConstantDeclaration> ::= <FieldDeclaration>
<AbstractMethodDeclaration> ::= <MethodHeader> ';'
::= '{' <VariableInitializers> ',' '}'
| '{' <VariableInitializers> '}'
| '{' ',' '}'
| '{' '}'
<VariableInitializers> ::= <VariableInitializer>
| <VariableInitializers> ',' <VariableInitializer>
<Block> ::= '{' <BlockStatements> '}'
| '{' '}'
::= <BlockStatement>
| <BlockStatements> <BlockStatement>
::= <LocalVariableDeclarationStatement>
| <Statement>
::= <LocalVariableDeclaration> ';'
::= <Type> <VariableDeclarators>
::= <StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement>
| <LabeledStatement>
| <IfThenStatement>
| <IfThenElseStatement>
| <WhileStatement>
| <ForStatement>
::= <StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement>
| <LabeledStatementNoShortIf>
| <IfThenElseStatementNoShortIf>
| <WhileStatementNoShortIf>
| <ForStatementNoShortIf>
::= <Block>
| <EmptyStatement>
| <ExpressionStatement>
| <SwitchStatement>
| <DoStatement>
| <BreakStatement>
| <ContinueStatement>
| <ReturnStatement>
| <SynchronizedStatement>
| <ThrowStatement>
| <TryStatement>
::= ';'
::= Identifier ':' <Statement>
::= Identifier ':' <StatementNoShortIf>
::= <StatementExpression> ';'
::= <Assignment>
| <PreIncrementExpression>
| <PreDecrementExpression>
| <PostIncrementExpression>
| <PostDecrementExpression>
| <MethodInvocation>
| <ClassInstanceCreationExpression>
::= 'if' '(' <Expression> ')' <Statement>
::= 'if' '(' <Expression> ')' <StatementNoShortIf> 'else' <Statement>
::= 'if' '(' <Expression> ')' <StatementNoShortIf> 'else' <StatementNoShortIf>
::= 'switch' '(' <Expression> ')' <SwitchBlock>
::= '{' <SwitchBlockStatementGroups> <SwitchLabels> '}'
| '{' <SwitchBlockStatementGroups> '}'
| '{' <SwitchLabels> '}'
| '{' '}'
::= <SwitchBlockStatementGroup>
| <SwitchBlockStatementGroups> <SwitchBlockStatementGroup>
::= <SwitchLabels> <BlockStatements>
::= <SwitchLabel>
| <SwitchLabels> <SwitchLabel>
::= 'case' <ConstantExpression> ':'
| 'default' ':'
::= 'while' '(' <Expression> ')' <Statement>
::= 'while' '(' <Expression> ')' <StatementNoShortIf>
::= 'do' <Statement> 'while' '(' <Expression> ')' ';'
::= 'for' '(' <ForInit> ';' <Expression> ';' <ForUpdate> ')' <Statement>
| 'for' '(' <ForInit> ';' <Expression> ';' ')' <Statement>
| 'for' '(' <ForInit> ';' ';' <ForUpdate> ')' <Statement>
| 'for' '(' <ForInit> ';' ';' ')' <Statement>
| 'for' '(' ';' <Expression> ';' <ForUpdate> ')' <Statement>
| 'for' '(' ';' <Expression> ';' ')' <Statement>
| 'for' '(' ';' ';' <ForUpdate> ')' <Statement>
| 'for' '(' ';' ';' ')' <Statement>
::= 'for' '(' <ForInit> ';' <Expression> ';' <ForUpdate> ')' <StatementNoShortIf>
| 'for' '(' <ForInit> ';' <Expression> ';' ')' <StatementNoShortIf>
| 'for' '(' <ForInit> ';' ';' <ForUpdate> ')' <StatementNoShortIf>
| 'for' '(' <ForInit> ';' ';' ')' <StatementNoShortIf>
| 'for' '(' ';' <Expression> ';' <ForUpdate> ')' <StatementNoShortIf>
| 'for' '(' ';' <Expression> ';' ')' <StatementNoShortIf>
| 'for' '(' ';' ';' <ForUpdate> ')' <StatementNoShortIf>
| 'for' '(' ';' ';' ')' <StatementNoShortIf>
<ForInit> ::= <StatementExpressionList>
| <LocalVariableDeclaration>
<ForUpdate> ::= <StatementExpressionList>
::= <StatementExpression>
| <StatementExpressionList> ',' <StatementExpression>
::= 'break' Identifier ';'
| 'break' ';'
::= 'continue' Identifier ';'
| 'continue' ';'
::= 'return' <Expression> ';'
| 'return' ';'
::= 'throw' <Expression> ';'
::= 'synchronized' '(' <Expression> ')' <Block>
::= 'try' <Block> <Catches>
| 'try' <Block> <Catches> <Finally>
| 'try' <Block> <Finally>
::= <CatchClause>
| <Catches> <CatchClause>
::= 'catch' '(' <FormalParameter> ')' <Block>
::= 'finally' <Block>
::= <PrimaryNoNewArray>
| <ArrayCreationExpression>
::= <Literal>
| 'this'
| '(' <Expression> ')'
| <ClassInstanceCreationExpression>
| <FieldAccess>
| <MethodInvocation>
| <ArrayAccess>
::= 'new' <ClassType> '(' <ArgumentList> ')'
| 'new' <ClassType> '(' ')'
::= <Expression>
| <ArgumentList> ',' <Expression>
::= 'new' <PrimitiveType> <DimExprs> <Dims>
| 'new' <PrimitiveType> <DimExprs>
| 'new' <ClassOrInterfaceType> <DimExprs> <Dims>
| 'new' <ClassOrInterfaceType> <DimExprs>
::= <DimExpr>
| <DimExprs> <DimExpr>
<DimExpr> ::= '[' <Expression> ']'
<Dims> ::= '[' ']'
| <Dims> '[' ']'
::= <Primary> '.' Identifier
| 'super' '.' Identifier
::= <Name> '(' <ArgumentList> ')'
| <Name> '(' ')'
| <Primary> '.' Identifier '(' <ArgumentList> ')'
| <Primary> '.' Identifier '(' ')'
| 'super' '.' Identifier '(' <ArgumentList> ')'
| 'super' '.' Identifier '(' ')'
::= <Name> '[' <Expression> ']'
| <PrimaryNoNewArray> '[' <Expression> ']'
::= <Primary>
| <Name>
| <PostIncrementExpression>
| <PostDecrementExpression>
::= <PostfixExpression> '++'
::= <PostfixExpression> '--'
::= <PreIncrementExpression>
| <PreDecrementExpression>
| '+' <UnaryExpression>
| '-' <UnaryExpression>
| <UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus>
::= '++' <UnaryExpression>
::= '--' <UnaryExpression>
::= <PostfixExpression>
| '~' <UnaryExpression>
| '!' <UnaryExpression>
| <CastExpression>
::= '(' <PrimitiveType> <Dims> ')' <UnaryExpression>
| '(' <PrimitiveType> ')' <UnaryExpression>
| '(' <Expression> ')' <UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus>
| '(' <Name> <Dims> ')' <UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus>
::= <UnaryExpression>
| <MultiplicativeExpression> '*' <UnaryExpression>
| <MultiplicativeExpression> '/' <UnaryExpression>
| <MultiplicativeExpression> '%' <UnaryExpression>
::= <MultiplicativeExpression>
| <AdditiveExpression> '+' <MultiplicativeExpression>
| <AdditiveExpression> '-' <MultiplicativeExpression>
::= <AdditiveExpression>
| <ShiftExpression> '<<' <AdditiveExpression>
| <ShiftExpression> '>>' <AdditiveExpression>
| <ShiftExpression> '>>>' <AdditiveExpression>
::= <ShiftExpression>
| <RelationalExpression> '<' <ShiftExpression>
| <RelationalExpression> '>' <ShiftExpression>
| <RelationalExpression> '<=' <ShiftExpression>
| <RelationalExpression> '>=' <ShiftExpression>
| <RelationalExpression> 'instanceof' <ReferenceType>
::= <RelationalExpression>
| <EqualityExpression> '==' <RelationalExpression>
| <EqualityExpression> '!=' <RelationalExpression>
::= <EqualityExpression>
| <AndExpression> '&' <EqualityExpression>
::= <AndExpression>
| <ExclusiveOrExpression> '^' <AndExpression>
::= <ExclusiveOrExpression>
| <InclusiveOrExpression> '|' <ExclusiveOrExpression>
::= <InclusiveOrExpression>
| <ConditionalAndExpression> '&&' <InclusiveOrExpression>
::= <ConditionalAndExpression>
| <ConditionalOrExpression> '||' <ConditionalAndExpression>
::= <ConditionalOrExpression>
| <ConditionalOrExpression> '?' <Expression> ':' <ConditionalExpression>
::= <ConditionalExpression>
| <Assignment>
::= <LeftHandSide> <AssignmentOperator> <AssignmentExpression>
::= <Name>
| <FieldAccess>
| <ArrayAccess>
::= '='
| '*='
| '/='
| '%='
| '+='
| '-='
| '<<='
| '>>='
| '>>>='
| '&='
| '^='
| '|='
<Expression> ::= <AssignmentExpression>
<ConstantExpression> ::= <Expression>
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