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Rosetta Code:Village Pump/Syntax highlighting: Difference between revisions

→‎Language tags: Added new tags that UnderBot used.
(→‎Webform-driven language-file generator: http://rosettacode.org/geshi is live.)
(→‎Language tags: Added new tags that UnderBot used.)
Line 130:
Note: AutoHotKey currently has two codes, ahk and autohotkey. When AutoHotKey support was added to GeSHi, it was added with the longer code. (lang codes are derived from the filename.) Since there were already code snippets on RC that used ahk for AutoHotKey, I created a symlink that allowed ahk to be used as a language code as well. This should likely be reversed, meaning instances of the ahk tag need to be replaced with the autohotkey tag. --[[User:Short Circuit|Short Circuit]] 07:01, 18 June 2009 (UTC)
<div style="clear: both; column-count: 3; -webkit-column-count:3; -moz-column-count:3">
* 4D 4d
* ALGOL 60 algol60
* ALGOL 68 algol68
* APL apl
Line 140:
* ActionScript '''actionscript'''
* Ada '''ada'''
* Agda2 agda2
* AmigaE amigae
* AppleScript '''applescript'''
Line 156:
* C '''c'''
* C sharp# '''csharp'''
* C++ '''cpp'''
* Caml caml
* Clean clean
* Clojure '''lisp'''
* Cobol '''cobol'''
* ColdFusion '''cfm'''
* Common Lisp '''lisp'''
* Component Pascal '''pascal'''
* Coq coq
Line 171:
* D '''d'''
* DOS Batch File '''dos''' '''winbatch'''?
* Dc dc
* Delphi '''delphi'''
Line 177:
* E '''e'''
* EC ec
* ELLA ella
* ESQL '''sql'''
* Eiffel '''eiffel'''
* Emacs Lisp lisp
Line 186:
* F f
* F Sharp# fsharp
* FALSE false
* FP fp
* Factor factor
* Fan fan
* Forth forth
* Fortran '''fortran'''
Line 197:
* GAP gap
* Gnuplot '''gnuplot'''
* Groovy '''groovy'''
Line 209:
* IDL '''idl'''
* Icon icon
* Io '''io'''
Line 215:
* J j
* JSON json
* JScript.NET jscript
* Java '''java''' '''java5'''
* JavaScript '''javascript'''
* JoCaml jocaml
* Joy joy
* JudoScript judoscript
* Korn Shell korn
* LSE64 lse64
* LaTeX '''latex'''
* LabVIEW labview
* Lisaac lisaac
* Lisp '''lisp'''
* Logo logo
* Logtalk logtalk
* LotusScript '''lotusscript'''
* Lua '''lua'''
Line 247:
* MS SQL '''sql'''
* Make '''make'''
* Maple maple
* Mathematica mathematica
* MATLAB '''matlab'''
* Maxima maxima
* Metafont metafont
* Modula-3 '''modula3'''
Line 256:
* NewLISP '''lisp'''
* Nial nial
Line 263:
* OCaml '''ocaml'''
* Oberon-2 '''oberon2'''
* Object Pascal '''pascal'''
* Objective-C '''objc'''
* Octave octave
* Omega omega
* OpenEdge/Progress openedge
* Oz oz
* PHP '''php'''
* PL/I pli
* PL/SQL '''plsql'''
* Pascal '''pascal'''
* Perl '''perl'''
* Perl 6 perl6
* Pike pike
* PlainTeX tex
* Pop11 pop11
Line 295:
* REXX rexx
* RapidQ rapidq
* Raven raven
* Rhope rhope
* Ruby '''ruby'''
Line 302:
* SAS '''sas'''
* SETL setl
* SMEQL smeql
* SNUSP snusp
* SQL '''sql'''
* Scala '''scala'''
* Scheme '''scheme'''
* Script3D script3d
* Seed7 seed7
* Self self
* Slate slate
* Smalltalk '''smalltalk'''
* Standard ML sml ('''ocaml'''?)
* TI-83 BASIC ti83b
* TI-89 BASIC ti89b
* Tcl '''tcl'''
* Toka toka
* Tr tr
* Transact-SQL '''sql'''
* Twelf twelf
Line 329:
* UNIX Shell '''bash'''
* UnixPipes '''bash'''
* Unlambda unlambda
* V v
* VBScript vbscript
* Vedit macro language vedit
* Visual Basic '''vb'''
* Visual Basic .NET '''vbnet'''
* Visual Objects visobj
* Wrapl wrapl
* XQuery xquery
* XSLT '''xml'''
* XTalk xtalk


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