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Averages/Simple moving average: Difference between revisions

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printSMA n p = mapM_ (\(n,a) -> putStrLn $ "Next number: " ++ show n ++ " Average: " ++ show a)
. take n . sMA p $ [1..5]++[5,4..1]++[3..]</lang>
Stateful function using the state monad to keep track of state
{{works with|GHC|7.8.3}}
<lang Haskell>
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
period :: Int
period = 3
type SMAState = [Float]
computeSMA :: Float -> State SMAState Float
computeSMA x = do
previousValues <- get
let values = previousValues ++ [x]
let newAverage = if length values <= period then (sum values) / (fromIntegral $ length remainingValues :: Float)
else (sum remainingValues) / (fromIntegral $ length remainingValues :: Float)
where remainingValues = dropIf period values
put $ dropIf period values
return newAverage
dropIf :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
dropIf x xs = drop ((length xs) - x) xs
demostrateSMA :: State SMAState [Float]
demostrateSMA = mapM computeSMA [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn $ (show result)
(result, _) = runState demostrateSMA []
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