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Polynomial long division: Difference between revisions

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=={{header|Perl 6}}==
{{trans|Perl}} for the core algorithm; original code for LaTeX pretty-printing.
<lang perl6>
sub poly_long_div ( @n is copy, @d ) {
return [0], @n if +@n < +@d;
my @q = gather while +@n >= +@d {
@n = @n Z- ( ( @d X* take ( @n[0] / @d[0] ) ), 0 xx * );
return $(@q), $(@n);
sub xP ( $power ) { $power>1 ?? "x^$power" !! $power==1 ?? 'x' !! '' }
sub poly_print ( @c ) { join ' + ', @c.kv.map: { $^v ~ xP( @c.end - $^k ) } }
my @polys = [ [ 1, -12, 0, -42 ], [ 1, -3 ] ],
[ [ 1, -12, 0, -42 ], [ 1, 1, -3 ] ],
[ [ 1, 3, 2 ], [ 1, 1 ] ],
[ [ 1, -4, 6, 5, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 1 ] ];
say '<math>\begin{array}{rr}';
for @polys -> [ @a, @b ] {
printf "%s , & %s \\\\\n", poly_long_div( @a, @b ).map: { poly_print($_) };
say '\end{array}</math>';</lang>
1x^2 + -9x + -27 , & -123 \\
1x + -13 , & 16x + -81 \\
1x + 2 , & 0 \\
1x^2 + -6x + 17 , & -23x + -14 \\


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