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MathWorks' policy seems to be that their built-in sorting algorithm will always be a stable sort across all versions ([ reference]). To check to see if your version of MATLAB provides a stable sort type "sort" into the command line. Then highlight the text and right-click it and select "Open Selection" in the pop-up menu. This will open the source code for the sort function, the comments of which should tell you if the sort algorithm they use is stable.
Java's [ Collections.sort()] and [ Arrays.sort()] methods are guaranteed stable.
<lang NetRexx>/* NetRexx */
options replace format comments java crossref savelog symbols nobinary
class RCSortStability
method main(args = String[]) public constant
cityList = [String "UK London", "US New York", "US Birmingham", "UK Birmingham"]
cn = String[cityList.length]
say "Before sort:"
System.arraycopy(cityList, 0, cn, 0, cityList.length)
loop city = 0 to cn.length - 1
say cn[city]
end city
cCompNm = Comparator CityComparator()
Arrays.sort(cn, cCompNm)
say "After sort on city:"
loop city = 0 to cn.length - 1
say cn[city]
end city
say "Before sort:"
System.arraycopy(cityList, 0, cn, 0, cityList.length)
loop city = 0 to cn.length - 1
say cn[city]
end city
cCompCtry = Comparator CountryComparator()
Arrays.sort(cn, cCompCtry)
say "After sort on country:"
loop city = 0 to cn.length - 1
say cn[city]
end city
class RCSortStability.CityComparator implements Comparator
method compare(lft = Object, rgt = Object) public binary returns int
return (String lft).substring(4).compareTo((String rgt).substring(4))
class RCSortStability.CountryComparator implements Comparator
method compare(lft = Object, rgt = Object) public binary returns int
return (String lft).substring(0, 2).compareTo((String rgt).substring(0, 2))
Before sort:
UK London
US New York
US Birmingham
UK Birmingham
After sort on city:
US Birmingham
UK Birmingham
UK London
US New York
Before sort:
UK London
US New York
US Birmingham
UK Birmingham
After sort on country:
UK London
UK Birmingham
US New York
US Birmingham
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