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Sort stability: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|OpenEdge/Progress}}: Marked incorrect as a particular sort might give a particular result whilst saying nothing about the stability '''in general''')
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sort/skip/compare blk 2 func [a b] [either a < b [-1] [either a > b [1] [0]]]</lang>
Open Object Rexx provides sort methods (<code>sort</code> and <code>sortWith(comparator)</code>) for its collection classes. By default these sort methods are implemented via an unstable <em>Quicksort</em> algorithm but the language does provide stable sorting methods (<code>stableSort</code> and <code>stableSortWith(comparator)</code>) implemented via a stable <em>Mergesort</em> algorithm.
<lang REXX>/* Rexx */
cities = .array~of('UK London', 'US New York', 'US Birmingham', 'UK Birmingham',)
Say; Say 'Original table'
Call display cities
Say; Say 'Unstable sort on city'
sorted = cities~copy
sorted~sortWith(.ColumnComparator~new(4, 20))
Call display sorted
Say; Say 'Stable sort on city'
sorted = cities~copy
sorted~stableSortWith(.ColumnComparator~new(4, 20))
Call display sorted
Say; Say 'Unstable sort on country'
sorted = cities~copy
sorted~sortWith(.ColumnComparator~new(1, 2))
Call display sorted
Say; Say 'Stable sort on country'
sorted = cities~copy
sorted~stableSortWith(.ColumnComparator~new(1, 2))
Call display sorted
display: Procedure
Use arg CT
Say '-'~copies(80)
Loop c_ over CT
Say c_
End c_
Original table
UK London
US New York
US Birmingham
UK Birmingham
Unstable sort on city
UK Birmingham
US Birmingham
UK London
US New York
Stable sort on city
US Birmingham
UK Birmingham
UK London
US New York
Unstable sort on country
UK London
UK Birmingham
US Birmingham
US New York
Stable sort on country
UK London
UK Birmingham
US New York
US Birmingham
Anonymous user
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