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835 bytes added ,  12 years ago
Add Seed7 example
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(Add Seed7 example)
Line 1,250:
response = select("Which is from the three pigs", items)
puts "you chose: >#{response}<"</lang>
<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";
const func string: menuSelect (in array string: items, in string: prompt) is func
var string: selection is "";
var string: item is "";
var integer: index is 0;
var integer: num is 0;
if length(items) <> 0 then
for item key index range items do
writeln(index <& ". " <& item);
end for;
until num >= 1 and num <= length(items);
selection := items[num];
end if
end func;
const array string: items is [] ("fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock");
const string: prompt is "Which is from the three pigs? ";
const proc: main is func
writeln("You chose " <& menuSelect(items, prompt));
end func;</lang>
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