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Uses .NET for simplicity. Run it with Highlight Execution on, to give notepad time to open. {{VI solution|LabVIEW_Simulate_input_Keyboard.png}}
This example implements limited capability of simulating input/Keyboard on Windows using standard library only. For better Windows support we can use [https://github.com/khchen/winim Winim] and [https://github.com/juancarlospaco/nim-xdo xdo] for Linux.
Current example will simulate keyboard input of typing Hello world to the current focused window.
<lang nim>when defined(windows):
import winlean
{.error: "not supported os".}
InputType = enum
itMouse itKeyboard itHardware
KeyEvent = enum
keExtendedKey = 0x0001
keKeyUp = 0x0002
keUnicode = 0x0004
keScanCode = 0x0008
MouseInput {.importc: "MOUSEINPUT".} = object
dx, dy: clong
mouseData, dwFlags, time: culong
dwExtraInfo: int # ULONG_PTR
KeybdInput {.importc: "KEYBDINPUT".} = object
wVk, wScan: cint
dwFlags, time: culong
dwExtraInfo: int
HardwareInput {.importc: "HARDWAREINPUT".} = object
uMsg: clong
wParamL, wParamH: cint
InputUnion {.union.} = object
hi: HardwareInput
mi: MouseInput
ki: KeybdInput
Input = object
`type`: clong
hwin: InputUnion
proc sendInput(total: cint, inp: ptr Input, size: cint) {.importc: "SendInput", header: "<windows.h>".}
proc initKey(keycode: int): Input =
result = Input(`type`: itKeyboard.clong)
var keybd = KeybdInput(wVk: keycode.cint, wScan: 0, time: 0,
dwExtraInfo: 0, dwFlags: 0)
result.hwin = InputUnion(ki: keybd)
proc pressKey(input: var Input) =
input.hwin.ki.dwFlags = keExtendedKey.culong
sendInput(cint 1, addr input, sizeof(Input).cint)
proc releaseKey(input: var Input) =
input.hwin.ki.dwFlags = keExtendedKey.culong or keKeyUp.culong
sendInput(cint 1, addr input, sizeof(Input).cint)
proc pressRelease(input: var Input) =
proc pressReleaseKeycode(input: var Input, code: int) =
input.hwin.ki.wVk = code.cint
proc main =
shift = initKey 0xa0 # VK_LSHIFT
key = initKey 0x48
pressKey shift
pressRelease key
releaseKey shift
key.pressReleaseKeycode 0x45 # e key
key.pressReleaseKeycode 0x4c # l key
key.pressReleaseKeycode 0x4c # l key
key.pressReleaseKeycode 0x4f # o key
key.pressReleaseKeycode 0x20 # VK_SPACE
key.pressReleaseKeycode 0x57 # w key
key.pressReleaseKeycode 0x4f # o key
key.pressReleaseKeycode 0x52 # r key
key.pressReleaseKeycode 0x4c # l key
key.pressReleaseKeycode 0x44 # d key
Compile and run it by (assuming we have GNU C compiler):
<pre>nim c -r ourfile.nim</pre>
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