Dynamic variable names: Difference between revisions

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m Add Nim
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Nim is a compiled language, with powerful Templating and Macros, which are compile-time rather than run-time.
This solution emulates dynamic variables by mapping a string to a pointer to a variable (using a table).
<lang Nim>import tables
theVar: int = 5
varMap = initTable[string, pointer]()
proc ptrToInt(p: pointer): int =
result = cast[ptr int](p)[]
proc main() =
write(stdout, "Enter a var name: ")
let sVar = readLine(stdin)
varMap.add($svar, theVar.addr)
echo "Variable ", sVar, " is ", ptrToInt(varMap[$sVar])
when isMainModule:
Sample input/output :
<pre>Enter a var name: varZ
Variable varZ is 5</pre>