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Memory allocation: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|REXX}}: added more verbage in the REXX section header. -- ~~~~
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(→‎{{header|REXX}}: added more verbage in the REXX section header. -- ~~~~)
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There is no explicit memory allocation in the REXX language,   variables are justallocated as they are assigned   (or re-assigned).
<br>Most REXXesREXX interpreters will obtain a chunk (block) of free storage, and then allocate storage out of that pool if possible, if not, obtain more storage.
<br>One particular REXX has predefined and limited amount of free storage.
<lang rexx>Axtec_god.3='Quetzalcoatl ("feathered serpent"), god of learning, civilization, regeneration, wind and storms'</lang>
There is no explicit way to de-allocate memory, but there is a DROP statement that "un-defines" a REXX variable and it's memory is then free to be used for other variables, provided that free memory isn't too fragmented.
<lang rexx>drop xyz NamesRoster j k m caves names. Axtec_god. Hopi Hopi
/* it's not considered an error to DROP a variable that isn't defined.*/</lang>
Any variables (that are non-exposed) which are defined (allocated) in a procedure/subroutine/function will be un-allocated at the termination (completion, when it RETURNS or EXITs) of the procedure/subroutine/function.
Any variables (that are non-exposed) which are defined (allocated) in a procedure/subroutine/function will be un-allocated at the termination of the procedure/subroutine/function.
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