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Miller–Rabin primality test: Difference between revisions

Optimisation of existing solution
(Optimisation of existing solution)
Line 1,417:
to permit use of integers of arbitrary precision.
<lang erlang>-module(miller_rabin).
-export([is_prime/1, power/2]).
Line 1,507 ⟶ 1,508:
power(B, E, Acc) ->
power(B, E - 1, B * Acc).</lang>
The above code optimised as follows:
- more efficient exponentiation operation
- parallel execution of tests
The parallel executions reduced the time to run the test from
53s to 11s on a quad-core 17 with 16 GB ram. The performance
gain from the improved exponentiation was not evaluated.
<lang erlang>
%%% @author Tony Wallace <tony@resurrection>
%%% @copyright (C) 2021, Tony Wallace
%%% @doc
%%% For details of the algorithms used see
%%% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modular_exponentiation
%%% @end
%%% Created : 21 Jul 2021 by Tony Wallace <tony@resurrection>
-module mod.
-export [mod_mult/3,mod_exp/3,binary_exp/2,test/0].
mod_mult(I1,I2,Mod) when
I1 > Mod,
is_integer(I1), is_integer(I2), is_integer(Mod) ->
mod_mult(I1 rem Mod,I2,Mod);
mod_mult(I1,I2,Mod) when
I2 > Mod,
is_integer(I1), is_integer(I2), is_integer(Mod) ->
mod_mult(I1,I2 rem Mod,Mod);
mod_mult(I1,I2,Mod) when
is_integer(I1), is_integer(I2), is_integer(Mod) ->
(I1 * I2) rem Mod.
mod_exp(Base,Exp,Mod) when
Base > 0,
Exp > 0,
Mod > 0 ->
mod_exp(_,0,_) -> 1.
binary_exp(Base,Exponent) when
Base > 0,
Exponent > 0 ->
binary_exp(_,0) ->
binary_exp(_,0,Result) ->
binary_exp(Base,Exponent,Acc) ->
binary_exp(Base*Base,Exponent bsr 1,Acc * exp_factor(Base,Exponent)).
binary_exp_mod(Base,Exponent,Mod) ->
binary_exp_mod(Base rem Mod,Exponent,Mod,1).
binary_exp_mod(_,0,_,Result) ->
binary_exp_mod(Base,Exponent,Mod,Acc) ->
binary_exp_mod((Base*Base) rem Mod,
Exponent bsr 1,Mod,(Acc * exp_factor(Base,Exponent))rem Mod).
exp_factor(_,0) ->
exp_factor(Base,1) ->
exp_factor(Base,Exponent) ->
exp_factor(Base,Exponent band 1).
test() ->
445 = mod_exp(4,13,497),
%% Rosetta code example:
R = 1527229998585248450016808958343740453059 =
% mod module ends here
%% Modified version of rosetta code entry
%% Modification was more efficient exponentiation
%% Modification - use of rpc:pmap to utilise multithreaded CPUs
is_prime(1) -> false;
is_prime(2) -> true;
is_prime(3) -> true;
is_prime(N) when N > 3, ((N rem 2) == 0) -> false;
is_prime(N) when ((N rem 2) ==1), N < 341550071728321 ->
is_mr_prime(N, proving_bases(N));
is_prime(N) when ((N rem 2) == 1) ->
is_mr_prime(N, random_bases(N, 100)).
proving_bases(N) when N < 1373653 ->
[2, 3];
proving_bases(N) when N < 9080191 ->
[31, 73];
proving_bases(N) when N < 25326001 ->
[2, 3, 5];
proving_bases(N) when N < 3215031751 ->
[2, 3, 5, 7];
proving_bases(N) when N < 4759123141 ->
[2, 7, 61];
proving_bases(N) when N < 1122004669633 ->
[2, 13, 23, 1662803];
proving_bases(N) when N < 2152302898747 ->
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11];
proving_bases(N) when N < 3474749660383 ->
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13];
proving_bases(N) when N < 341550071728321 ->
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17].
is_mr_prime(N, As) when N>2, N rem 2 == 1 ->
% TStart = erlang:monotonic_time(),
{D, S} = find_ds(N),
% elapsed(TStart,"find_ds took ~p.~p seconds~n"),
%% this is a test for compositeness; the two case patterns disprove
%% compositeness.
TestResults =
R= not lists:any(fun(X) -> X end,TestResults),
% elapsed(TStart,"is_mr_prime took ~p.~p seconds~n"),
mr_series_test(A,N,D,S) ->
% TMrS = erlang:monotonic_time(),
R = case mr_series(N, A, D, S) of
[1|_] -> false; % first elem of list = 1
L -> not lists:member(N-1, L) % some elem of list = N-1
% elapsed(TMrS,"mr_series took ~p.~p seconds~n"),
%elapsed(TStart,Msg) ->
% TElapsed_ms = erlang:convert_time_unit(erlang:monotonic_time()-TStart,native,1000),
% TSec = TElapsed_ms div 1000,
% Tms = TElapsed_ms rem 1000,
% io:format(Msg, [TSec,Tms]).
find_ds(N) ->
find_ds(N-1, 0).
find_ds(D, S) ->
case D rem 2 == 0 of
true ->
find_ds(D div 2, S+1);
false ->
{D, S}
mr_series(N, A, D, S) when N rem 2 == 1 ->
Js = lists:seq(0, S),
lists:map(fun(J) -> mod:mod_exp(A, mod:binary_exp(2, J)*D, N) end, Js).
random_bases(N, K) ->
[basis(N) || _ <- lists:seq(1, K)].
basis(N) when N>2 ->
% random:uniform returns a single random number in range 1 -> N-3,
% to which is added 1, shifting the range to 2 -> N-2
1 + rand:uniform(N-3).
mersennes(N) when N>0, is_integer(N) ->
1 bsl N - 1.
test() ->
TStart = erlang:monotonic_time(),
true = is_prime(7),
true = is_prime(41),
false = is_prime(42),
true = is_prime(mersennes(31)),
true = is_prime(mersennes(127)), % M(127) checks okay if 64 bit word size exceeded,
true = is_prime(mersennes(3217)), % about the size of an rsa key,
TFinish = erlang:monotonic_time(),
ElapsedSeconds = erlang:convert_time_unit(TFinish - TStart,native,1),
io:format("Time seconds = ~p~n",[ElapsedSeconds]),
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