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Binary strings: Difference between revisions

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Possible contexts of use: compression algorithms (like [[LZW compression]]), L-systems (manipulation of symbols), many more.
Ada has native support for single dimensioned arrays, which provide all specified operations. String is a case of array. The array of bytes is predefined in Ada in the package System.Storage_Elements ([http://www.adaic.org/standards/05rm/html/RM-13-7-1.html LRM 13.7.1]). Storage_Element is substitute for byte.
<lang Ada>
Data : Storage_Array (1..20); -- Data created
Data := (others => 0); -- Assign all zeros
if Data = (1..10 => 0) then -- Compare with 10 zeros
Copy : Storage_Array := Data; -- Copy Data
if Data'Length = 0 then -- If empty
end if;
end if;
... Data & 1 ... -- The result is Data with byte 1 appended
... Data & (1,2,3,4) ... -- The result is Data with bytes 1,2,3,4 appended
... Data (3..5) ... -- The result the substring of Data from 3 to 5
end; -- Data destructed
=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
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