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Add ARM Assembly
(Add ARM Assembly)
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<lang AppleScript>{{1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 11, 11, 12},
{0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 11, 11, 12}}</lang>
=={{header|ARM Assembly}}==
Unlike on the x86 family of processors, the ARM instruction set does not include specialized
<code>call</code> and <code>ret</code> instructions. However, the program counter is a visible
register (<code>r15</code>, also called <code>pc</code>), so it can be loaded and saved
as any other. Nor is there a specialized stack pointer, though the load and store instructions offer
pre- and postincrement as well as pre- and postdecrement on the register used as a pointer, making
any register usable as a stack pointer.
By convention, <code>r13</code> is used as the system stack pointer and is therefore also
called <code>sp</code>, and <code>r14</code> is used to store the return address for
a function, and is therefore also called the *link register* or <code>lr</code>.
The assembler recognizes <code>push {x}</code> and <code>pop {x}</code> instructions, though these
are really pseudoinstructions, that generate the exact same machine code as
<code>ldmia r13!,{x}</code> and <code>stmdb r13!,{x}</code>,
these being, respectively, load with postincrement and store with predecrement on r13.
The link register is slightly special in that there is a family of branch-and-link instructions
(<code>bl</code>). These are the same as <code>mov r14,pc ; mov/ldr pc,<destination></code>, but in
one machine instruction instead of two. This is the general way of calling subroutines,
meaning no stack access is necessary unless the subroutine wants to call others in turn, in which case
the link register must be saved by hand (as the code below shows several ways of doing).
.global _start
@@@ Implementation of F(n), n in R0. n is considered unsigned.
F: tst r0,r0 @ n = 0?
moveq r0,#1 @ In that case, the result is 1
bxeq lr @ And we can return to the caller
push {r0,lr} @ Save link register and argument to stack
sub r0,r0,#1 @ r0 -= 1 = n-1
bl F @ r0 = F(r0) = F(n-1)
bl M @ r0 = M(r0) = M(F(n-1))
pop {r1,lr} @ Restore link register and argument in r1
sub r0,r1,r0 @ Result is n-F(M(n-1))
bx lr @ Return to caller.
@@@ Implementation of M(n), n in R0. n is considered unsigned.
M: tst r0,r0 @ n = 0?
bxeq lr @ In that case the result is also 0; return.
push {r0,lr} @ Save link register and argument to stack
sub r0,r0,#1 @ r0 -= 1 = n-1
bl M @ r0 = M(r0) = M(n-1)
bl F @ r0 = M(r0) = F(M(n-1))
pop {r1,lr} @ Restore link register and argument in r1
sub r0,r1,r0 @ Result is n-M(F(n-1))
bx lr @ Return to caller
@@@ Print F(0..15) and M(0..15)
_start: ldr r1,=fmsg @ Print values for F
ldr r4,=F
bl prfn
ldr r1,=mmsg @ Print values for M
ldr r4,=M
bl prfn
mov r7,#1 @ Exit process
swi #0
@@@ Helper function for output: print [r1], then [r4](0..15)
@@@ This assumes [r4] preserves r3 and r4; M and F do.
prfn: push {lr} @ Keep link register
bl pstr @ Print the string
mov r3,#0 @ Start at 0
1: mov r0,r3 @ Call the function in r4 with current number
blx r4
add r0,r0,#'0 @ Make ASCII digit
ldr r1,=dgt @ Store in digit string
strb r0,[r1]
ldr r1,=dstr @ Print result
bl pstr
add r3,r3,#1 @ Next number
cmp r3,#15 @ Keep going up to and including 15
bls 1b
ldr r1,=nl @ Print newline afterwards
bl pstr
pop {pc} @ Return to address on stack
@@@ Print length-prefixed string r1 to stdout
pstr: push {lr} @ Keep link register
mov r0,#1 @ stdout = 1
ldrb r2,[r1],#1 @ r2 = length prefix
mov r7,#4 @ 4 = write syscall
swi #0
pop {pc} @ Return to address on stack
fmsg: .ascii "\3F: "
mmsg: .ascii "\3M: "
dstr: .ascii "\2"
dgt: .ascii "* "
nl: .ascii "\1\n"</lang>
<pre>F: 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 9
M: 0 0 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 9</pre>


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