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Mutual recursion: Difference between revisions

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In python there is no need to pre-declare ''M'' for it to be used in the definition of ''F''. (However ''M'' must be defined before ''F'' calls it).
Using block closure.
<lang smalltalk>|F M ra rb|
F := [ :n |
(n == 0)
ifTrue: [ 1 ]
ifFalse: [ n - (M value: (F value: (n-1))) ]
M := [ :n |
(n == 0)
ifTrue: [ 0 ]
ifFalse: [ n - (F value: (M value: (n-1))) ]
ra := OrderedCollection new.
rb := OrderedCollection new.
0 to: 19 do: [ :i |
ra add: (F value: i).
rb add: (M value: i)
ra displayNl.
rb displayNl.</lang>
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