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Y combinator: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|Elm}}: complete the solution with both Z and Y combinators and their use...
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(→‎{{header|Elm}}: complete the solution with both Z and Y combinators and their use...)
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This is similar to the Haskell solution below, but usesthe first `fixz` is a strict fixed-point combinator sincelacking one beta reduction as compared to the Y-combinator; the second `fixy` injects laziness using a "thunk" (a unit argument function whose return value is deferred until Elmthe lacksfunction lazyis evaluationcalled/applied).
Note: the Fibonacci sequence is defined to start with zero or one, with the first exactly the same but with a zero prepended; these Fibonacci calculations use the second definition.
<lang elm>
import Html exposing (text)
<lang elm>module Main exposing ( main )
import Html exposing ( Html, text )
-- As with most of the strict (non-deferred or non-lazy) languages,
-- this is the Z-combinator with the additional value parameter...
-- wrap type conversion to avoid recursive type definition...
type Mu a b = Roll (Mu a b -> a -> b)
unroll : Mu a b -> (Mu a b -> a -> b) -- unwrap it...
unroll (Roll x) = x
-- note lack of beta reduction using values...
fix : ((a -> b) -> (a -> b)) -> (a -> b)
fixfixz f: =((a let-> gb) r = f-> (\va -> unrollb)) r-> r(a -> vb)
fixz f = let g r = f (\ v -> unroll r r v) in g (Roll g)
facfacz : Int -> Int
-- facz = fixz <| \ f n -> if n < 2 then 1 else n * f (n - 1) -- inefficient recursion
fac = fix <|
facz = fixz (\ f n i -> if i < 2 then n else f (i * n) (i - 1)) 1 -- efficient tailcall
\f n -> if n <= 0
then 1
fibz : Int -> Int
else n * f (n - 1)
-- fibz = fixz <| \ f n -> if n < 2 then n else f (n - 1) + f (n - 2) -- inefficient recursion
fibz = fixz (\ fn f s i -> if i < 2 then f else fn s (f + s) (i - 1)) 1 1 -- efficient tailcall
main = text <| toString <| fac 5
-- by injecting laziness, we can get the true Y-combinator...
-- as this includes laziness, there is no need for the type wrapper!
fixfixy : ((a() -> ba) -> (a -> b)) -> (a -> b)
fixy f = f <| \ () -> fixy f -- direct function recursion
-- the above is not value recursion but function recursion!
-- fixv f = let x = f x in x -- not allowed by task or by Elm!
-- we can make Elm allow it by injecting laziness...
-- fixv f = let x = f () x in x -- but now value recursion not function recursion
facy : Int -> Int
-- facy = fixy <| \ f n -> if n < 2 then 1 else n * f () (n - 1) -- inefficient recursion
facy = fixy (\ f n i -> if i < 2 then n else f () (i * n) (i - 1)) 1 -- efficient tailcall
fiby : Int -> Int
-- fiby = fixy <| \ f n -> if n < 2 then n else f () (n - 1) + f (n - 2) -- inefficient recursion
fiby = fixy (\ fn f s i -> if i < 2 then f else fn () s (f + s) (i - 1)) 1 1 -- efficient tailcall
-- something that can be done with a true Y-Combinator that
-- can't be done with the Z combinator...
-- given an infinite Co-Inductive Stream (CIS) defined as...
type CIS a = CIS a (() -> CIS a) -- infinite lazy stream!
mapCIS : (a -> b) -> CIS a -> CIS b -- uses function to map
mapCIS cf cis =
let mp (CIS head restf) = CIS (cf head) <| \ () -> mp (restf()) in mp cis
-- now we can define a Fibonacci stream as follows...
fibs : () -> CIS Int
fibs() = -- two recursive fix's, second already lazy...
let fibsgen = fixy (\ fn (CIS (f, s) restf) ->
CIS (s, f + s) (\ () -> fn () (restf())))
in fixy (\ cisthnk -> fibsgen (CIS (0, 1) cisthnk))
|> mapCIS (\ (v, _) -> v)
nCISs2String : Int -> CIS a -> String -- convert n CIS's to String
nCISs2String n cis =
let loop i (CIS head restf) rslt =
if i <= 0 then 1rslt ++ " )" else
loop (i - 1) (restf()) (rslt ++ " " ++ Debug.toString head)
in loop n cis "("
-- unfortunately, if we need CIS memoization so as
-- to make a true lazy list, Elm doesn't support it!!!
main : Html Never
main =
String.fromInt (facz 10) ++ " " ++ String.fromInt (fibz 10)
++ " " ++ String.fromInt (facy 10) ++ " " ++ String.fromInt (fiby 10)
++ " " ++ nCISs2String 20 (fibs())
|> text</lang>
<pre>3628800 55 3628800 55 ( 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181 6765 )</pre>


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