Y combinator: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|F Sharp|F#}}: Minor corrections to second group of examples and comments...
m (→‎{{header|Scala}}: added parentheses for clarity)
(→‎{{header|F Sharp|F#}}: Minor corrections to second group of examples and comments...)
Line 2,379:
// val fix : ((unit -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a) = <fun>
// same efficient version of factorial functionb with added deferred execution...
let fac = fix (fun f n i -> if i < 2 then n else f () (bigint i * n) (i - 1)) <| 1I
// val fac : (int -> BigInteger) = <fun>
// same efficient version of factorialFibonacci function with added deferred execution...
let fib = fix (fun fnc f s i -> if i < 2 then f else fnc () s (f + s) (i - 1)) 1I 1I
// val fib : (int -> BigInteger) = <fun>
Line 2,390:
type CIS<'a> = CIS of 'a * (unit -> CIS<'a>) // ' fix formatting
// Using a double Y-Combinator recursion...
// definedefines a continuous stream of Fibonacci numbers; there are other simpler ways,
// this way does not useimplements recursion at all by using the Y-combinator, although it is
// much slower than other ways due to the many additional function calls and memory allocations,
// it demonstrates something that can't be done with the Z-combinator...
let fibs() =
let fbsgen := fix (CIS<bigint>fun ->fnc (CIS<bigint>((f, s), =rest)) ->
fix (fun fnc f ( CIS((s, restf + s), fun() -> fnc () <| rest()))
Seq.unfold (fun (CIS(f(v, + s_), fun(rest)) -> fnc Some() s <|v, rest())) 1I
<| fix (fun cis -> fbsgen (CIS((1I, 0I), cis))) // cis is a lazy thunk!
(fun (CIS(hd, rest)) -> Some(hd, rest()))
<| fix (fun cis -> fbsgen (CIS(0I, cis)))
Line 2,406 ⟶ 2,405:
fac 10 |> printfn "%A" // prints 3628800
fib 10 |> printfn "%A" // prints 55
fibs() |> Seq.take 20 |> Seq.iter (printf "%A ") // prints 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181 6765
printfn ""
0 // return an integer exit code</lang>
Line 2,412 ⟶ 2,411:
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181 6765 </pre>
The above would be useful if F# did not have recursive functions (functions that can call themselves in their own definition), but as for most modern languages, F# does have function recursion by the use of the `rec` keyword before the function name, thus the above `fac` and `fib` functions can be written much more simply (and to run faster using tail recursion) with a recursion definition for the `fix` Y-combinator as follows, with a simple injected deferred execution to prevent race:
