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(→‎{{Header|Batch File}}: Removed Batch File...)
Line 1,205:
700 IF E THEN V = VAL ( MID$ (D$,E,1)) + C:C = V > 9:V = V - 10 * C:E$ = STR$ (V) + E$:E = E - 1: GOTO 700
720 RETURN</lang>
=={{Header|Batch File}}==
Based from the JavaScript code.
<lang dos>@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set num1=18446744073709551616
set num2=18446744073709551616
set limit_a=-1&set limit_b=-1&set length=0
for %%A in (1,2) do for /l %%B in (0,1,9) do set num%%A=!num%%A:%%B=%%B !
for %%. in (!num1!) do set/a limit_a+=1&set a1=%%.!a1!
for %%. in (!num2!) do set/a limit_b+=1&set a2=%%.!a2!
for /l %%a in (0,1,!limit_a!) do (
for /l %%b in (0,1,!limit_b!) do (
set/a pos=%%a+%%b
set/a next=!pos!+1
set/a temp0=result!pos!
set/a result!pos!=!a1:~%%a,1!*!a2:~%%b,1!
if !temp0! equ 0 set/a length+=1
if !pos! lss !length! set/a result!pos!+=!temp0!
set/a temp0=result!pos!
set/a temp1=result!next!
if !temp0! gtr 9 (
set/a result!next!=!temp0!/10
set temp2=!length!
if !temp1! equ 0 set/a length+=1
if !next! lss !temp2! set/a result!next!+=!temp1!
set/a result!pos!=!temp0!%%10
for /l %%. in (0,1,!length!) do set product=!result%%.!!product!
exit /b 0</lang>
=={{Header|BBC BASIC}}==


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