Talk:Bitmap: Difference between revisions

(→‎Amount of comments: On comments)
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myimg=: createImage 7 5 NB. create a 7 by 5 bitmap (black)
myimg=: 255 255 255 createImage 7 5 NB. create a 7 by 5 white bitmap</lang>
:: The site seeks to aid two groups of users. One group consists of people who want to learn a language; To that end, the site seeks to aid learning that language by comparing how a familiar or desired task is accomplished in that language with how something is done in a language the visitor is already familiar with. The other group are the developers of languages and other tools. Several times in the history of the site, languages have been shown to have elegant solutions (or at least to be capable of solving) to problems where no such solution was thought to exist. At other times, language developers have found unexpected quirks, inconveniences or inabilities that they were then able to document and resolve in their develoment process. Additionally, what may be the greatest aid Rosetta Code offers to language developers, advocates and enthusiasts is the exposure that their language gets along side other languages that are perhaps more better known.
:: The purpose of an individual task is whatever the creator of the task had in mind; Anyone is free to create a task and show how it may be accomplished in two or three languages of their choice. Anyone who provides a solution for the task is free do code and document that solution however they wish, so long as the solution fits the task, and so long as they're aware of and acknowledge normal editing concerns (as linked to at the bottom of every editing form.)
:: Having an explanation of the spec as it applies to the language provides context and therefore improves that solution's readability and accessability by providing context, which is always a good thing. The task description doesn't require the documenting of the solution's code with respect to the defined spec, and there's no sitewide policy demanding it, so that documentation isn't required. That doesn't mean it's unwise. --[[User:Short Circuit|Short Circuit]] 05:01, 30 August 2009 (UTC)