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XML/XPath: Difference between revisions

Added Kotlin
(gastona code)
(Added Kotlin)
Line 1,333:
alert( names );</lang>
<lang scala>// version 1.1.3
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory
import org.xml.sax.InputSource
import java.io.StringReader
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants
import org.w3c.dom.Node
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList
val xml =
<inventory title="OmniCorp Store #45x10^3">
<section name="health">
<item upc="123456789" stock="12">
<name>Invisibility Cream</name>
<description>Makes you invisible</description>
<item upc="445322344" stock="18">
<name>Levitation Salve</name>
<description>Levitate yourself for up to 3 hours per application</description>
<section name="food">
<item upc="485672034" stock="653">
<name>Blork and Freen Instameal</name>
<description>A tasty meal in a tablet; just add water</description>
<item upc="132957764" stock="44">
<name>Grob winglets</name>
<description>Tender winglets of Grob. Just add water</description>
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance()
val dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder()
val xmlInput = InputSource(StringReader(xml))
val doc = dBuilder.parse(xmlInput)
val xpFactory = XPathFactory.newInstance()
val xPath = xpFactory.newXPath()
val qNode = xPath.evaluate("/inventory/section/item[1]", doc, XPathConstants.NODE) as Node
val upc = qNode.attributes.getNamedItem("upc")
val stock = qNode.attributes.getNamedItem("stock")
println("For the first item : upc = ${upc.textContent} and stock = ${stock.textContent}")
val qNodes = xPath.evaluate("/inventory/section/item/price", doc, XPathConstants.NODESET) as NodeList
print("\nThe prices of each item are : ")
for (i in 0 until qNodes.length) print("${qNodes.item(i).textContent} ")
val qNodes2 = xPath.evaluate("/inventory/section/item/name", doc, XPathConstants.NODESET) as NodeList
val names = Array<String>(qNodes2.length) { qNodes2.item(it).textContent }
println("\nThe names of each item are as follows :")
println(" ${names.joinToString("\n ")}")
For the first item : upc = 123456789 and stock = 12
The prices of each item are : 14.50 23.99 4.95 3.56
The names of each item are as follows :
Invisibility Cream
Levitation Salve
Blork and Freen Instameal
Grob winglets


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