Sorting algorithms/Cycle sort: Difference between revisions

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m →‎{{header|REXX}}: changed the word ASCII to ANSI in the wording of the incorrect flag.
PureFox (talk | contribs)
Added FreeBASIC
Line 435: Line 435:
writes : 10
writes : 10
[0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3.5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
[0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3.5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

Uses algorithm in Wikipedia article:
<lang freebasic>' FB 1.05.0 Win64

' sort an array in place and return the number of writes
Function cycleSort(array() As Integer) As Integer
Dim length As Integer = UBound(array) - LBound(array) + 1
If Length = 0 Then Return 0
Dim As Integer item, position, writes = 0

' loop through the array to find cycles to rotate
For cycleStart As Integer = LBound(array) To UBound(array) - 1
item = array(cycleStart)

' find where to put the item
position = cycleStart
For i As Integer = cycleStart + 1 To UBound(array)
If array(i) < item Then position += 1
Next i

' If the item is already there, this is not a cycle
If position = cycleStart Then Continue For
' Otherwise, put the item there or right after any duplicates
While item = array(position)
position += 1
Swap array(position), item
writes += 1

'rotate the rest of the cycle
While position <> cycleStart
' Find where to put the item
position = cycleStart
For i As Integer = cycleStart + 1 To UBound(array)
If array(i) < item Then position += 1
Next i

' Put the item there or right after any duplicates
While item = array(position)
position += 1
Swap array(position), item
writes +=1
Next cycleStart
Return writes
End Function

Sub printArray(array() As Integer)
For i As Integer = LBound(array) To UBound(array)
Print Str(array(i)); " ";
End Sub

Dim array(1 To 16) As Integer = {0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 9, 3, 5, 5, 8, 4, 7, 0, 6}
Dim writes As Integer = cycleSort(array())
Print "After sorting with"; writes; " writes :"
Dim array2(1 To 20) As Integer = {38, 119, 38, 33, 33, 28, 24, 101, 108, 120, 99, 59, 69, 24, 117, 22, 90, 94, 78, 75}
writes = cycleSort(array2())
Print "After sorting with"; writes; " writes :"
Print "Press any key to quit"

0 1 2 2 2 2 1 9 3 5 5 8 4 7 0 6
After sorting with 10 writes :
0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9

38 119 38 33 33 28 24 101 108 120 99 59 69 24 117 22 90 94 78 75
After sorting with 19 writes :
22 24 24 28 33 33 38 38 59 69 75 78 90 94 99 101 108 117 119 120