Sort primes from list to a list: Difference between revisions

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are: 2 7 13 43 103
are: 2 7 13 43 103

The strangely worded title and task description suggest to this native English speaker that the task is to sort each prime into the primes list ''as it's identified'', which is certainly a less pointless coding exercise than simply extracting all the primes and then sorting them. The implementation here allows for the primes list to be created from scratch or supplied with a few ordered numbers already in it. The sort process is part of an insertion sort.

<syntaxhighlight lang="applescript">on isPrime(n)
if (n < 4) then return (n > 1)
if ((n mod 2 is 0) or (n mod 3 is 0)) then return false
repeat with i from 5 to (n ^ 0.5) div 1 by 6
if ((n mod i is 0) or (n mod (i + 2) is 0)) then return false
end repeat
return true
end isPrime

-- primes list created from scratch.
on sortPrimesFromList:givenList
return my sortPrimesFromList:givenList toList:{}
end sortPrimesFromList:

-- primes list supplied as a parameter, its current contents assumed to be already ordered ascending.
on sortPrimesFromList:givenList toList:primes
set j to (count primes)
repeat with this in givenList
set this to this's contents
if (isPrime(this)) then
set end of primes to this
set j to j + 1
if (j > 1) then
repeat with i from (j - 1) to 1 by -1
set v to primes's item i
if (v > this) then
set primes's item (i + 1) to v
set i to i + 1
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
set primes's item i to this
end if
end if
end repeat
return primes
end sortPrimesFromList:toList:

on demo()
set primes to my sortPrimesFromList:{2, 43, 81, 22, 63, 13, 7, 95, 103}
log primes
my sortPrimesFromList:{8, 137, 19, 5, 44, 23} toList:primes
log primes
end demo


(*2, 7, 13, 43, 103*)
(*2, 5, 7, 13, 19, 23, 43, 103, 137*)</pre>
