Simulated optics experiment/Data analysis: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|Python}}: Fixed a bug that miscalculated the CHSH contrast.)
(Added Object Icon.)
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CHSH violation +0.913088
<syntaxhighlight lang="objecticon">
#!/bin/env oiscript
# If you run this program as a script, you might get something like
# the following as a "help" message:
# Usage: /tmp/oixcache/f8f91465ab42189d5623040505fa7f12 [-|raw_data_file]
# But you can instead use "oit" to compile this program into a
# bytecode executable, which would print this sort of message instead:
# Usage: ./my_program [-|raw_data_file]
# Reference:
# A. F. Kracklauer, ‘EPR-B correlations: non-locality or geometry?’,
# J. Nonlinear Math. Phys. 11 (Supp.) 104–109 (2004).
# (Open access, CC BY-NC)
# This is necessary because there are "degree" symbols (°) in the
# code:
$encoding UTF-8
# To get the following more specific set of imports, one can write
# "import io, util" and then run "fiximports" on the source code:
io(BufferStream, FileStream, open, stop),
$define angleL1 0.0
$define angleL2 45.0
$define angleR1 22.5
$define angleR2 67.5
procedure main (args)
# "&why" does not exist in regular Icon, although "stop"
# does.
# Fellow Gentoo users might notice an uncanny resemblance between
# the use of "stop" here and the use of "die" in Gentoo ebuilds. In
# both cases, if we left out the check, the error might be silently
# ignored.
case *args of
0 : sally_forth ("-") | stop (&why)
1 : sally_forth (args[1]) | stop (&why)
default :
io.write ("Usage: ", &progname, " [-|raw_data_file]")
exit (1)
procedure sally_forth (input_file)
local data, dataL1, dataL2, dataR1, dataR2
local dataL1R1, dataL1R2, dataL2R1, dataL2R2
local kappaL1R1, kappaL1R2, kappaL2R1, kappaL2R2
local chsh_contrast, chsh_contrast_nominal
data := read_raw_data (input_file)
data := adjust_for_geometry (data)
# The following means of dividing the set into four non-overlapping
# groups has been designed for clarity rather than efficiency. (We
# should not care about efficiency, anyway, in a program such as
# this.)
dataL1 := filter_set (logL_equals_0, data)
dataL2 := filter_set (logL_equals_1, data)
dataR1 := filter_set (logR_equals_0, data)
dataR2 := filter_set (logR_equals_1, data)
dataL1R1 := dataL1 ** dataR1 # Set intersection.
dataL1R2 := dataL1 ** dataR2
dataL2R1 := dataL2 ** dataR1
dataL2R2 := dataL2 ** dataR2
# The sizes of the groups should add up to the size of the entire
# data.
*dataL1R1 + *dataL1R2 + *dataL2R1 + *dataL2R2 = *data |
# "&why" does not exist in regular Icon.
# In all the dialects of Icon, however, it is common for failure
# of a procedure to indicate an error.
# This has a severe downside that, in many contexts, a failure
# is silently ignored. This behavior is unlike an exception
# (which is either caught or it terminates the
# program). However, in some ways it is like the practice of
# indicating an error through a return value. Differences from
# that include: (a) failure will often cause the containing
# context to fail as well (possibly resulting in assignments and
# swaps/exchanges being undone!), and (b) there is no return
# value in case of failure.
# BTW Object Icon does have exceptions:
&why := "The four groups of data have been formed incorrectly."
kappaL1R1 := correlation_coefficient (angleL1, angleR1, dataL1R1)
kappaL1R2 := correlation_coefficient (angleL1, angleR2, dataL1R2)
kappaL2R1 := correlation_coefficient (angleL2, angleR1, dataL2R1)
kappaL2R2 := correlation_coefficient (angleL2, angleR2, dataL2R2)
chsh_contrast := (-kappaL1R1) + kappaL1R2 + kappaL2R1 + kappaL2R2
printf ("\n light pulse events %9d\n", *data)
printf ("\n correlation coefs\n")
# The u"" is necessary in Object Icon when the string is a Unicode
# string.
printf (u" %2.0r° %2.0r° %+9.6r\n",
angleL1, angleR1, kappaL1R1)
printf (u" %2.0r° %2.0r° %+9.6r\n",
angleL1, angleR2, kappaL1R2)
printf (u" %2.0r° %2.0r° %+9.6r\n",
angleL2, angleR1, kappaL2R1)
printf (u" %2.0r° %2.0r° %+9.6r\n",
angleL2, angleR2, kappaL2R2)
chsh_contrast_nominal := 2.0 * Math.sqrt (2.0)
printf ("\n CHSH contrast %+9.6r\n", chsh_contrast)
printf (" 2*sqrt(2) = nominal %+9.6r\n", chsh_contrast_nominal)
printf (" difference %+9.6r\n", (chsh_contrast -
# A "CHSH violation" occurs if the CHSH contrast is >2.
# Note CAREFULLY, however, that we are talking here about simulation
# of a CLASSICAL optics model, using the CLASSICAL formula for
# correlation coefficients (of the respective electromagnetic
# fields). We are calculating those coefficients by inference from
# detection events.
# Some might try to object that a CHSH contrast cannot be calculated
# from correlation coefficients computed according to the classical
# formula. But it would be assuming the conclusion: OF COURSE no
# classical model can have a CHSH violation, if by fiat you do not
# let a classical model and the classical formulas be used!
printf ("\n CHSH violation %+9.6r\n\n", (chsh_contrast - 2))
# The following is necessary (it is equivalent to "return &null"),
# because we are using failure to indicate an error.
procedure correlation_coefficient (angleL, angleR, data_group)
local N, NL1, NL2, NR1, NR2, item
local cosL, sinL, cosR, sinR, cosLR, sinLR, kappa
# We know angleL and angleR are in Quadrant 1. Its two
# perpendiculars are thus in Quadrants 2 and 4. We can choose
# whichever of the two we want. Choose Quadrant 4. The sine is
# non-negative in Quadrant 1, and the cosine is non-negative in
# Quadrant 4. Thus we can use the following estimates for cosine and
# sine, and not have to deal with negative signs.
# This is Equation (2.4) in the reference.
N := real (*data_group)
NL1 := 0.0
NL2 := 0.0
NR1 := 0.0
NR2 := 0.0
every item := !data_group do
NL1 +:= item.detectedL1()
NL2 +:= item.detectedL2()
NR1 +:= item.detectedR1()
NR2 +:= item.detectedR2()
sinL := Math.sqrt (NL1 / N)
cosL := Math.sqrt (NL2 / N)
sinR := Math.sqrt (NR1 / N)
cosR := Math.sqrt (NR2 / N)
# Apply the reference's Equation (2.3).
cosLR := (cosR * cosL) + (sinR * sinL)
sinLR := (sinR * cosL) - (cosR * sinL)
# Apply Equation (2.5).
kappa := (cosLR * cosLR) - (sinLR * sinLR)
return kappa
procedure read_raw_data (input_file)
local data, f
local num_lines
local logS, logL, logR
local detectedL1, detectedL2
local detectedR1, detectedR2
if type (input_file) ~== "string" then
f := input_file
num_lines := integer (
data := set ()
# The "every" construct below goes through all the numbers
# generated by "1 to num_lines", after which it quits because the
# generator FAILS. (I leave out any loop variable, "every i :=",
# because one is not needed here.) One might, especially at first,
# accidentally write something like "while i := 1 to num_lines",
# but this would actually be a forever-loop, with i always equal
# to 1. The "while" construct, unlike "every", would restart the
# generator from scratch each time, so that the generator ALWAYS
# SUCCEEDS. But "while" is what you would want for something like
# "while line :=", because "read" is not a generator. It
# is a procedure that either returns a line of input or fails.
every 1 to num_lines do
# The following is a "string-scanning environment". It is a
# series of operations on the string returned by See
# also
# Object Icon is not mentioned in that article, but right now I
# do not feel like editing the Wikipedia to mention it.
# It IS mentioned that Python generators are supposedly inspired
# by Icon generators (and presumably also by co-expressions). I
# do not know if that is true, but there are similarities:
# Python "yield" is similar to Icon "suspend". (Scheme’s
# "call/cc" is far more general, however, and can be used to
# implement yield/suspend in a few lines of code.) ?
tab(many(' \t'))
logS := integer (tab(many(&digits)))
tab(many(' \t'))
logL := integer (tab(many(&digits)))
tab(many(' \t'))
logR := integer (tab(many(&digits)))
tab(many(' \t'))
detectedL1 := integer (tab(many(&digits)))
tab(many(' \t'))
detectedL2 := integer (tab(many(&digits)))
tab(many(' \t'))
detectedR1 := integer (tab(many(&digits)))
tab(many(' \t'))
detectedR2 := integer (tab(many(&digits)))
insert (data, PulseEventData (logS, logL, logR,
detectedL1, detectedL2,
detectedR1, detectedR2))
else if input_file == "-" then
data := read_raw_data (BufferStream (FileStream.stdin))
f := open (input_file, "r") | stop (&why)
data := read_raw_data (f) | stop (&why)
f.close ()
return data
procedure adjust_for_geometry (data)
local S, S1, S2, S2a, item
S := data
S1 := filter_set (logS_equals_0, S)
S2 := S -- S1
S2a := set ()
every item := !S2 do
# Swap channels, to account for geometry.
# This step has been objected to as introducing "quantum magic",
# but note that we are doing a CLASSICAL data analysis, having
# nought to do with quantum mechanics. The light pulse source has
# recorded for us which type of light pulses were emitted. One
# might or might not be able to imagine a device for doing this
# with "photons", but we do not need to: (a) this is a SIMULATION,
# so we CAN use information we do not KNOW HOW to get, as long as
# the information is moving strictly forwards in time; besides
# which, (b) we can INSTEAD imagine a device that randomly selects
# from one of two pairs of light beams, and which forms pulses by
# opening and closing a shutter.
# According to "Bell's Theorem", it is impossible for such a
# classical model--one that works solely by contact action moving
# forwards in time--to produce the results we get. In my opinion,
# this simulation should be enough to end the entire debacle this
# "theorem" has helped create. But, in fact, it is easy to show
# that John Bell's "proof" does the equivalent of using the
# Angle-Side-Side "theorem" in geometry class. It is fake
# mathematics. (See the "Talk" page of the task, where I
# explain Bell's mistake in just the few words it takes.)
# One might or might not have noticed we are also including
# non-detection events in denominators, even though they are not
# part of the measured data set, in experiments that do not record
# when pulses were emitted in the first place. This is a
# SIMULATION, however, so we CAN include them.
# -- Chemoelectric, 30 May 2023
# In any case, we are demonstrating how to use sets in Object
# Icon. Sets are very similar in regular Icon and in Unicon,
# although regular Icon does not have "classes". (It DOES have
# "records".)
insert (S2a, PulseEventData (item.logS(),
item.logL(), item.logR(),
return S1 ++ S2a
procedure filter_set (semidet_predicate, S)
# The predicate is "semi-deterministic". It does not return a
# boolean. Instead, it either succeeds (and in Object Icon has to
# return something, which we ignore) or it fails. You will see the
# same approach to decision-making in Prolog and Mercury programs.
local S1, item
S1 := set ()
every item := !S do
if semidet_predicate (item) then
insert (S1, item)
return S1
procedure logS_equals_0 (event_data)
# This is a semidet predicate. It succeeds if logS is zero,
# otherwise it fails. The return value (which is returned only on
# success and is always 0) will be ignored.
return event_data.logS() = 0
# Some more semidet predicates:
procedure logL_equals_0 (event_data)
return event_data.logL() = 0
procedure logL_equals_1 (event_data)
return event_data.logL() = 1
procedure logR_equals_0 (event_data)
return event_data.logR() = 0
procedure logR_equals_1 (event_data)
return event_data.logR() = 1
final class PulseEventData ()
# I have tried here to make PulseEventData objects both immutable
# and unextendable, so no one can doubt the absence of "clever
# tricks". They are merely containers of data: each of them unique,
# so they can be stored in sets.
private var_logS, var_logL, var_logR
private var_detectedL1, var_detectedL2
private var_detectedR1, var_detectedR2
public new (logS, logL, logR,
detectedL1, detectedL2,
detectedR1, detectedR2)
var_logS := logS
var_logL := logL
var_logR := logR
var_detectedL1 := detectedL1
var_detectedL2 := detectedL2
var_detectedR1 := detectedR1
var_detectedR2 := detectedR2
public logS ()
return var_logS
public logL ()
return var_logL
public logR ()
return var_logR
public detectedL1 ()
return var_detectedL1
public detectedL2 ()
return var_detectedL2
public detectedR1 ()
return var_detectedR1
public detectedR2 ()
return var_detectedR2
public to_string ()
return ("PulseEventData(" || logS() ||
", " || logL() ||
", " || logR() ||
", " || detectedL1() ||
", " || detectedL2() ||
", " || detectedR1() ||
", " || detectedR2() || ")")
Using data generated by a 10000-point run of the Python version of the simulation.
Please be aware that one run of that Python program will not produce the same output as another. There are two reasons: (1) the random number generator is seeded randomly, and (2) the simulated devices are running as separate processes. (How Python handles random numbers in a program running as multiple processes I haven't the vaguest idea.)
A standard set of raw data might be published for people to use. Then we could always get the same numbers. But, to quote Cyrano Jones, ''"What would happen to man's quest for knowledge?"''
light pulse events 10000
correlation coefs
0° 23° -0.699476
0° 68° +0.714172
45° 23° +0.692368
45° 68° +0.711478
CHSH contrast +2.817493
2*sqrt(2) = nominal +2.828427
difference -0.010935
CHSH violation +0.817493