Simulated optics experiment/Data analysis: Difference between revisions

Content added Content deleted
(Added "See also", and revised the extra credit as not to imply I believed in competitive grading (it did, after all, give us people who create conundrums))
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{{task heading|See also}}
{{task heading|See also}}
* ''[[Simulated optics experiment/Simulator]]''
* ''[[Simulated optics experiment/Simulator]]''

<syntaxhighlight lang="julia">using Printf

""" The data for one light pulse. """
mutable struct PulseData

""" Swap detectedL1 and detectedL2. """
swap_L_channels(p) = begin p.detectedL1, p.detectedL2 = p.detectedL2, p.detectedL1; p end

""" Swap detectedR1 and detectedR2. """
swap_R_channels(p) = begin p.detectedR1, p.detectedR2 = p.detectedR2, p.detectedR1; p end

Swap channels on both right and left. This is done if the light source was (1,90°)
instead of (1,0°). For in that case the orientations of the polarizing beam splitters,
relative to the light source, is different by 90°.
swap_LR_channels(p::PulseData) = (swap_L_channels(p); swap_R_channels(p))

Split the data into two subsets, according to whether a set item satisfies a predicate.
The return value is a tuple, with those items satisfying the predicate in the first
tuple entry, the other items in the second entry.
split_data(predicate, data) = (filter(predicate, data), filter(!predicate, data))

Some data items are for a (1,0°) light pulse. The others are for a (1,90°) light pulse.
Thus the light pulses are oriented differently with respect to the polarizing beam splitters.
We adjust for that distinction here.
function adjust_data_for_light_pulse_orientation(data)
data0, data90 = split_data(x -> x.logS == 0, data)
return vcat(data0, swap_LR_channels.(data90))

Split the data into subsets per each arrangement of polarizing beam splitters.
function split_data_according_to_PBS_setting(data)
dataL1, dataL2 = split_data(x -> x.logL == 0, data)
dataL1R1, dataL1R2 = split_data(x -> x.logR == 0, dataL1)
dataL2R1, dataL2R2 = split_data(x -> x.logR == 0, dataL2)
return (dataL1R1, dataL1R2, dataL2R1, dataL2R2)

Compute the correlation coefficient for the subset of the data that corresponding
to a particular setting of the polarizing beam splitters.
function compute_correlation_coefficient(angleL, angleR, data)

# We make certain the orientations of beam splitters are
# represented by perpendicular angles in the first and fourth
# quadrant. This restriction causes no loss of generality, because
# the orientation of the beam splitter is actually a rotated "X".
@assert all(0 <= x < 90 for x in (angleL, angleR)) "All orientations are acute angles"

# Note that the sine is non-negative in Quadrant 1, and the cosine
# is non-negative in Quadrant 4. Thus we can use the following
# estimates for cosine and sine. This is Equation (2.4) in the
# reference. (Note, one can also use Quadrants 1 and 2 and reverse
# the roles of cosine and sine. And so on like that.)
N = length(data)
NL1 = 0
NL2 = 0
NR1 = 0
NR2 = 0
for item in data
NL1 += item.detectedL1
NL2 += item.detectedL2
NR1 += item.detectedR1
NR2 += item.detectedR2
sinL = sqrt(NL1 / N)
cosL = sqrt(NL2 / N)
sinR = sqrt(NR1 / N)
cosR = sqrt(NR2 / N)

# Now we can apply the reference's Equation (2.3).
cosLR = (cosR * cosL) + (sinR * sinL)
sinLR = (sinR * cosL) - (cosR * sinL)

# And then Equation (2.5).
kappa = (cosLR * cosLR) - (sinLR * sinLR)

return kappa

""" Read the raw data. Its order does not actually matter. """
function read_raw_data(stream)
return [PulseData(row...) for row in filter(a -> length(a) == 7,
[[parse(Int, s) for s in split(line)] for line in readlines(stream)])]

function run_analysis(inputstream)
# Polarizing beam splitter orientations commonly used in actual
# experiments. These must match the values used in the simulation
# itself. They are by design all either zero degrees or in the
# first quadrant.
anglesL = [0.0, 45.0]
anglesR = [22.5, 67.5]
@assert all(0 <= x < 90 for x in [anglesL; anglesR])

data = read_raw_data(inputstream) |> adjust_data_for_light_pulse_orientation
dataL1R1, dataL1R2, dataL2R1, dataL2R2 = split_data_according_to_PBS_setting(data)

kappaL1R1 = compute_correlation_coefficient(anglesL[1], anglesR[1], dataL1R1)
kappaL1R2 = compute_correlation_coefficient(anglesL[1], anglesR[2], dataL1R2)
kappaL2R1 = compute_correlation_coefficient(anglesL[2], anglesR[1], dataL2R1)
kappaL2R2 = compute_correlation_coefficient(anglesL[2], anglesR[2], dataL2R2)

chsh_contrast = -kappaL1R1 + kappaL1R2 + kappaL2R2 + kappaL2R2

# The nominal value of the CHSH contrast for the chosen polarizer
# orientations is 2*sqrt(2).
chsh_contrast_nominal = 2 * sqrt(2.0)

@printf("\n light pulse events %9d\n\n", length(data))
println(" correlation coefs")
@printf(" %2d° %2d° %+9.6f\n", anglesL[1], anglesR[1], kappaL1R1)
@printf(" %2d° %2d° %+9.6f\n", anglesL[1], anglesR[2], kappaL1R2)
@printf(" %2d° %2d° %+9.6f\n", anglesL[2], anglesR[1], kappaL2R1)
@printf(" %2d° %2d° %+9.6f\n\n", anglesL[2], anglesR[2], kappaL2R2)
@printf(" CHSH contrast %+9.6f\n", chsh_contrast)
@printf(" 2*sqrt(2) = nominal %+9.6f\n", chsh_contrast_nominal)
@printf(" difference %+9.6f\n", chsh_contrast - chsh_contrast_nominal)

# A "CHSH violation" occurs if the CHSH contrast is >2.
@printf("\n CHSH violation %+9.6f\n\n", chsh_contrast - 2)

An example using data from the Julia implementation of ''[[Simulated optics experiment/Simulator]]''.
light pulse events 1000000

correlation coefs
0° 22° -0.459472
0° 68° +0.955042
45° 22° +0.752309
45° 68° +0.749286

CHSH contrast +2.913088
2*sqrt(2) = nominal +2.828427
difference +0.084660

CHSH violation +0.913088

