Simulated annealing: Difference between revisions

Line 88:
Tune the parameters kT, kmax, or use different temperature() and/or neighbour() functions to demonstrate a quicker convergence, or a better optimum.
For your platform you might have to modify parts, such as the call to getentropy(3).
<lang c>#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define VECSZ 100
#define STATESZ 64
typedef float floating_pt;
#define EXP expf
#define SQRT sqrtf
static floating_pt
randnum (void)
return (floating_pt)
((double) (random () & 2147483647) / 2147483648.0);
static void
shuffle (uint8_t vec[], size_t i, size_t n)
/* A Fisher-Yates shuffle of n elements of vec, starting at index
i. */
for (size_t j = 0; j != n; j += 1)
size_t k = i + j + (random () % (n - j));
uint8_t xi = vec[i];
uint8_t xk = vec[k];
vec[i] = xk;
vec[k] = xi;
static void
init_s (uint8_t vec[VECSZ])
for (uint8_t j = 0; j != VECSZ; j += 1)
vec[j] = j;
shuffle (vec, 1, VECSZ - 1);
static inline void
add_neighbor (uint8_t neigh[8],
unsigned int *neigh_size,
uint8_t neighbor)
if (neighbor != 0)
neigh[*neigh_size] = neighbor;
*neigh_size += 1;
static void
neighborhood (uint8_t neigh[8],
unsigned int *neigh_size,
uint8_t city)
/* Find all non-zero neighbor cities. */
const uint8_t i = city / 10;
const uint8_t j = city % 10;
uint8_t c0 = 0;
uint8_t c1 = 0;
uint8_t c2 = 0;
uint8_t c3 = 0;
uint8_t c4 = 0;
uint8_t c5 = 0;
uint8_t c6 = 0;
uint8_t c7 = 0;
if (i < 9)
c0 = (10 * (i + 1)) + j;
if (j < 9)
c1 = (10 * (i + 1)) + (j + 1);
if (0 < j)
c2 = (10 * (i + 1)) + (j - 1);
if (0 < i)
c3 = (10 * (i - 1)) + j;
if (j < 9)
c4 = (10 * (i - 1)) + (j + 1);
if (0 < j)
c5 = (10 * (i - 1)) + (j - 1);
if (j < 9)
c6 = (10 * i) + (j + 1);
if (0 < j)
c7 = (10 * i) + (j - 1);
*neigh_size = 0;
add_neighbor (neigh, neigh_size, c0);
add_neighbor (neigh, neigh_size, c1);
add_neighbor (neigh, neigh_size, c2);
add_neighbor (neigh, neigh_size, c3);
add_neighbor (neigh, neigh_size, c4);
add_neighbor (neigh, neigh_size, c5);
add_neighbor (neigh, neigh_size, c6);
add_neighbor (neigh, neigh_size, c7);
static floating_pt
distance (uint8_t m, uint8_t n)
const uint8_t im = m / 10;
const uint8_t jm = m % 10;
const uint8_t in = n / 10;
const uint8_t jn = n % 10;
const int di = (int) im - (int) in;
const int dj = (int) jm - (int) jn;
return SQRT ((di * di) + (dj * dj));
static floating_pt
path_length (uint8_t vec[VECSZ])
floating_pt len = distance (vec[0], vec[VECSZ - 1]);
for (size_t j = 0; j != VECSZ - 1; j += 1)
len += distance (vec[j], vec[j + 1]);
return len;
static void
swap_s_elements (uint8_t vec[], uint8_t u, uint8_t v)
size_t j = 1;
size_t iu = 0;
size_t iv = 0;
while (iu == 0 || iv == 0)
if (vec[j] == u)
iu = j;
else if (vec[j] == v)
iv = j;
j += 1;
vec[iu] = v;
vec[iv] = u;
static void
update_s (uint8_t vec[])
const uint8_t u = 1 + (random () % (VECSZ - 1));
uint8_t neighbors[8];
unsigned int num_neighbors;
neighborhood (neighbors, &num_neighbors, u);
const uint8_t v = neighbors[random () % num_neighbors];
swap_s_elements (vec, u, v);
static inline void
copy_s (uint8_t dst[VECSZ], uint8_t src[VECSZ])
memcpy (dst, src, VECSZ * (sizeof src[0]));
static void
trial_s (uint8_t trial[VECSZ], uint8_t vec[VECSZ])
copy_s (trial, vec);
update_s (trial);
static floating_pt
temperature (floating_pt kT, unsigned int kmax, unsigned int k)
return kT * (1 - ((floating_pt) k / (floating_pt) kmax));
static floating_pt
probability (floating_pt delta_E, floating_pt T)
floating_pt prob;
if (delta_E < 0)
prob = 1;
else if (T == 0)
prob = 0;
prob = EXP (-(delta_E / T));
return prob;
static void
show (unsigned int k, floating_pt T, floating_pt E)
printf (" %7u %7.1f %13.5f\n", k, (double) T, (double) E);
static void
simulate_annealing (floating_pt kT,
unsigned int kmax,
uint8_t s[VECSZ])
uint8_t trial[VECSZ];
unsigned int kshow = kmax / 10;
floating_pt E = path_length (s);
for (unsigned int k = 0; k != kmax + 1; k += 1)
const floating_pt T = temperature (kT, kmax, k);
if (k % kshow == 0)
show (k, T, E);
trial_s (trial, s);
const floating_pt E_trial = path_length (trial);
const floating_pt delta_E = E_trial - E;
const floating_pt P = probability (delta_E, T);
if (P == 1 || randnum () <= P)
copy_s (s, trial);
E = E_trial;
static void
display_path (uint8_t vec[VECSZ])
for (size_t i = 0; i != VECSZ; i += 1)
const uint8_t x = vec[i];
printf ("%2u ->", (unsigned int) x);
if ((i % 8) == 7)
printf ("\n");
printf (" ");
printf ("%2u\n", vec[0]);
main (void)
char state[STATESZ];
uint32_t seed[1];
int status = getentropy (&seed[0], sizeof seed[0]);
if (status < 0)
seed[0] = 1;
initstate (seed[0], state, STATESZ);
floating_pt kT = 1.0;
unsigned int kmax = 1000000;
uint8_t s[VECSZ];
init_s (s);
printf ("\n");
printf (" kT: %f\n", (double) kT);
printf (" kmax: %u\n", kmax);
printf ("\n");
printf (" k T E(s)\n");
printf (" -----------------------------\n");
simulate_annealing (kT, kmax, s);
printf ("\n");
display_path (s);
printf ("\n");
printf ("Final E(s): %.5f\n", (double) path_length (s));
printf ("\n");
return 0;
An example run:
<pre>$ cc -Ofast -march=native simanneal.c -lm && ./a.out
kT: 1.000000
kmax: 1000000
k T E(s)
0 1.0 383.25223
100000 0.9 195.81190
200000 0.8 186.58963
300000 0.7 152.46564
400000 0.6 143.59039
500000 0.5 130.91815
600000 0.4 126.53572
700000 0.3 112.85691
800000 0.2 103.72134
900000 0.1 103.07108
1000000 0.0 102.24265
0 -> 10 -> 20 -> 21 -> 31 -> 30 -> 40 -> 50 ->
60 -> 61 -> 62 -> 72 -> 82 -> 81 -> 71 -> 70 ->
80 -> 90 -> 91 -> 92 -> 93 -> 94 -> 84 -> 83 ->
73 -> 63 -> 64 -> 65 -> 66 -> 76 -> 86 -> 87 ->
77 -> 67 -> 68 -> 58 -> 57 -> 56 -> 55 -> 45 ->
35 -> 26 -> 36 -> 46 -> 47 -> 48 -> 38 -> 37 ->
27 -> 28 -> 29 -> 39 -> 49 -> 59 -> 69 -> 79 ->
78 -> 88 -> 89 -> 99 -> 98 -> 97 -> 96 -> 95 ->
85 -> 75 -> 74 -> 54 -> 53 -> 52 -> 51 -> 41 ->
42 -> 43 -> 44 -> 34 -> 33 -> 32 -> 22 -> 23 ->
14 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 -> 9 -> 19 ->
18 -> 17 -> 16 -> 15 -> 25 -> 24 -> 13 -> 3 ->
2 -> 12 -> 11 -> 1 -> 0
Final E(s): 102.24265
