Set puzzle

From Rosetta Code
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Set puzzle is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Set Puzzles are created with a deck of cards from the Set Game(TM). The object of the puzzle is to find sets of 3 cards in a rectangle of cards that have been dealt face up. There are 81 cards in a deck. Each card contains a variation of the following four features: color, symbol, number and shading.

there are three colors
red, green, or purple
there are three symbols
oval, squiggle, or diamond
there is a number of symbols on the card
one, two, or three
there are three shadings
solid, open, or striped

Three cards form a set if each feature is either the same on each card, or is different on each card. For instance: all 3 cards are red, all 3 cards have a different symbol, all 3 cards have a different number of symbols, all 3 cards are striped.

There are two degrees of difficulty: basic and advanced. The basic mode deals 9 cards, that contain 4 sets; the advanced mode deals 12 cards that contain 6 sets. The task is to write code that deals the cards, 9 or 12, depending on selected mode, and print the contents of the cards and the sets. For instance:


green, one, oval, striped

green, one, diamond, open

green, one, diamond, striped

green, one, diamond, solid

purple, one, diamond, open

purple, two, squiggle, open

purple, three, oval, open

red, three, oval, open

red, three, diamond, solid


green, one, oval, striped

purple, two, squiggle, open

red, three, diamond, solid

green, one, diamond, open

green, one, diamond, striped

green, one, diamond, solid

green, one, diamond, open

purple, two, squiggle, open

red, three, oval, open

purple, one, diamond, open

purple, two, squiggle, open

purple, three, oval, open


<lang d>import std.stdio, std.traits, std.random, std.conv, std.exception,


void main() {

   auto dealer = new SetPuzzleDealer();
   auto cards =;
   writefln("\nDEALT %d CARDS:\n", cards.length);
   foreach (Unqual!(typeof(cards[0])) c; cards)
   auto sets = dealer.findSets(cards);
   auto len = sets.length;
   writefln("\nFOUND %d %s:\n", len, len == 1 ? "SET" : "SETS");
   foreach (set; sets) {
       foreach (Unqual!(typeof(set[0])) c; set)


class SetDealer {

   protected {
       enum Color : ubyte {green, purple, red}
       enum Number : ubyte {one, two, three}
       enum Symbol : ubyte {oval, diamond, squiggle}
       enum Fill : ubyte {open, striped, solid}
       static struct Card {
           Color c;
           Number n;
           Symbol s;
           Fill f;
       Card[81] deck;
   this() nothrow {
       auto colors = [EnumMembers!Color];
       auto numbers = [EnumMembers!Number];
       auto symbols = [EnumMembers!Symbol];
       auto fill = [EnumMembers!Fill];
       foreach (immutable i; 0 .. deck.length) {
           auto c = colors[i / 27];
           auto n = numbers[(i / 9) % 3];
           auto s = symbols[(i / 3) % 3];
           auto f = fill[i % 3];
           deck[i] = Card(c, n, s, f);

   // randomSample produces a sorted output that's convenient in our case
   // because we're printing to stout. Normally you would want to shuffle.
   immutable(Card)[] deal(in uint numCards) {
       enforce(numCards < deck.length, "number of cards too large");
       return assumeUnique(randomSample(deck[], numCards).array());
   // The summed enums of valid sets are always zero or a multiple of 3
   bool validSet(in ref Card c1, in ref Card c2, in ref Card c3)
           pure nothrow {
        return !((c1.c + c2.c + c3.c) % 3 || (c1.n + c2.n + c3.n) % 3 ||
               (c1.s + c2.s + c3.s) % 3 || (c1.f + c2.f + c3.f) % 3);
   immutable(Card)[3][] findSets(in Card[] cards) pure nothrow {
       auto len = cards.length;
       if (len >= 3) {
           typeof(return) sets;
           for (int i = 0; i < len - 2; i++) {
               for (int j = i + 1; j < len - 1; j++)
                   for (int k = j + 1; k < len; k++)
                       if (validSet(cards[i], cards[j], cards[k]))
                           sets ~= [cards[i], cards[j], cards[k]];
           return assumeUnique(sets);
       return null;


class SetPuzzleDealer : SetDealer {

   enum NumCards {basic = 9, advanced = 12}
   override immutable(Card)[] deal(in uint numCards = NumCards.basic) {
       auto numSets = numCards / 2;
       typeof(return) cards;
       do {
           cards =;
       } while (findSets(cards).length != numSets);
       return assumeUnique(cards);



Card(green, one, oval, solid)
Card(green, one, diamond, solid)
Card(green, one, squiggle, solid)
Card(green, two, squiggle, open)
Card(green, three, oval, open)
Card(green, three, diamond, solid)
Card(green, three, squiggle, striped)
Card(purple, two, squiggle, solid)
Card(red, one, squiggle, open)


Card(green, one, oval, solid)
Card(green, one, diamond, solid)
Card(green, one, squiggle, solid)

Card(green, one, squiggle, solid)
Card(green, two, squiggle, open)
Card(green, three, squiggle, striped)

Card(green, three, oval, open)
Card(green, three, diamond, solid)
Card(green, three, squiggle, striped)

Card(green, three, squiggle, striped)
Card(purple, two, squiggle, solid)
Card(red, one, squiggle, open)


<lang python>from itertools import product, combinations from random import sample

    1. Major constants

features = [ 'green purple red'.split(),

            'one two three'.split(),
            'oval diamond squiggle'.split(),
            'open striped solid'.split() ]

dealt = 9

    1. Functions

def printcard(card):

   print(' '.join('%8s' % f[i] for f,i in zip(features, card)))

def getdeal(dealt=dealt):

   deck = list(product(list(range(3)), repeat=4))
   deal = sample(deck, dealt)
   return deal

def getsets(deal):

   good_feature_count = set([1, 3])
   sets = [ comb for comb in combinations(deal, 3)
            if all( [(len(set(feature)) in good_feature_count)
                    for feature in zip(*comb)]
                  ) ]
   return sets

def printit(deal, sets):

   print('Dealt %i cards:' % len(deal))
   for card in deal: printcard(card)
   print('\nFound %i sets:' % len(sets))
   for s in sets:
       for card in s: printcard(card)

if __name__ == '__main__':

   deal = getdeal()
   sets = getsets(deal)
   printit(deal, sets)</lang>

Note: You could remove the inner square brackets of the 'if all( [...] )' part of the sets computation in the getsets function. It is a remnant of Python 2.7 debugging which gives access to the name feature. The code works on Python 3.X too, but not that access.

Dealt 9 cards:
     red      one  diamond  striped
   green      one squiggle  striped
  purple      two squiggle    solid
     red      one squiggle  striped
     red      one     oval  striped
     red      two     oval    solid
     red    three squiggle     open
   green      two     oval  striped
  purple      two     oval  striped

Found 3 sets:
     red      one  diamond  striped
     red      one squiggle  striped
     red      one     oval  striped

     red      one  diamond  striped
     red      two     oval    solid
     red    three squiggle     open

   green      one squiggle  striped
  purple      two squiggle    solid
     red    three squiggle     open